View Full Version : Spotted Silver SV pointy and Black naked pointy SV.

05-11-08, 05:48 PM
Spotted a silver SV here (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=52.05683,+-0.30514&g=52.05683,+-0.30514&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr) twice around 4:47 PM today and yesterday. Not too sure if it's a 650 or thou but it is fully faired.

Second spot was today at about 9am roughly here in Hitchin. (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=51.94796,+-0.28152&g=51.94796,+-0.28152&ie=UTF8&z=16) It was a Black naked pointy and the first part of the reg was LT55. The helmet had all different colours and squiggly lines over it from what I could see.

I'm guessing like normal that it won't be anyone on here but it's worth a try. ;)

alan pasfield
05-11-08, 06:24 PM
hi seggs think you have to much time on your hands lol better watch they mike start calling you an anorak just like the train spotters lol

05-11-08, 06:58 PM

06-11-08, 09:56 PM
I also spotted a blue pointy naked SV this morning at about 7:50'ish coming out of the Thoncote Road junction in Hatch (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=52.11821,+-0.30728&g=52.11821,+-0.30728&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr) turning right. No defining details because I only see it at the last moment.

It's typical that I can go 3 years without seeing a single SV on my route to and from work and then all of a sudden I cannot stop seeing them. :rolleyes:

08-11-08, 10:31 PM
reading this thread is like wathcing the caption bit of Crimewatch !!!

10-11-08, 09:44 AM
reading this thread is like wathcing the caption bit of Crimewatch !!!

Seggons - leaving no SV unspotted on the streets of Bedford :p

10-11-08, 05:43 PM
I should have sv650.org business cards so as soon as I spot someone I could speed in front of them then lock the rear tyre, spin the bike 45 degrees so I block the road to make them stop. Then in my best voice say, "My names Seggons, Scott Seggons now take a card foo' because you have been spotted by the Segg-mister".

What do ya think? ;)