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Brettus 12-11-12 10:30 AM

Re: The Borderline
Morning All, Monday comes round again.
Mercifully mine is only a half day as we are off travelling into Europe for work so flying out of Liverpool just after lunch.
Back late Wednesday and then off to see Royal Republic in Manchester on Thursday night, the week is practically done before it started for me.

How's everyone else's weeks looking?

joshwalker094 12-11-12 10:38 AM

Re: The Borderline
Have fun Brett :)

Bloody idiots! Get wet turning up to my exam at college, wait 40 minutes as no teacher has shown up, then we finally get told to tomorrow's work, which I haven't learnt yet. Then sent home with our doing out exam and get even wetter! Not happy
Lets hope rest of week goes ok now

Shawthing 12-11-12 12:11 PM

Re: The Borderline
Oh to be back at college again!
Although i try to be optimistic this week is going to be a toughy, as on friday my current employer of 16 years has gone into administration.

Quiff Wichard 12-11-12 05:44 PM

Bad week for me it seems... Gout attack took over my whole foot on Sunday.. So a bit laid up and teetering get around like bambi on ice.

Nobbylad 15-11-12 08:08 AM

I had a knee op on 1st November and been signed off for 3 weeks. Back to work a week on Friday and never thought I'd be gagging to get back!

Can't use my SV for 3 months :(

widepants 15-11-12 10:00 AM

Re: The Borderline

Originally Posted by Quiff Wichard (Post 2796537)
Bad week for me it seems... Gout attack took over my whole foot on Sunday.. So a bit laid up and teetering get around like bambi on ice.

Gout ...thought that was an old person thing...oh hang on:rolleyes:

Brettus 23-11-12 11:26 AM

Re: The Borderline
I resisted another OFI Monday post but Here goes the TGIF post :)
We have all made it to the end (well almost, its all downhill for productivity for me at least) of another week. Has it been an exciting or good one for you? Anything you wanna say about the week so far then have at it ;)

Mine has been more settled this week, although locked in a meeting room for 3 days straight its been interesting and entertaining. Nothing too stressful and I've got the bike show sometime soon to look forward to.

Sadly my bike is out of action though as the front brakes are SNAFU, I'm gonna trailer it up to YC for some attention then hoping to get a few more miles under my belt this winter beyond the commuting.

Hows the knee now Nobby? And the foot Quiff?

Quiff Wichard 23-11-12 11:52 AM

Foot is pain free... Til next gout attack

Mandys got a bad back know now after a fall at work

Brettus 23-11-12 11:57 AM

Re: The Borderline
oh no! glad the foot is OK but the fall at work sounds bad :( hope you stay gout free and Mandy makes a speedy recovery, injuries in the line of duty suck most.

Nobbylad 23-11-12 08:49 PM

Knee is healing... first day back working today, so although I'm now back at work, it's only been for one day. Apparently I have grade 2 (out of 4 - which is were you can't walk) arthritis.... so although my damaged cartilage is gone... I'm not going to be running many marathons. Can't use the bike again until January/ February so got a winter of maintenance planned. To cheer myself up I've been mostly buying stuff and cooking stuff while I've been off. I've spent a shed load and put on half a stone lol! :D

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