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garynortheast 17-03-18 11:58 PM

Re: The running thread.
Well, no shorts and top here today. Full kit with compression base layer, warm top and running jacket, running tights, hat and gloves. It was bloody cold in places, especially the wind!

Garmin didn't record the first part of our route properly but it was close so I'll leave it alone. Can't be bothered with the faff of exporting it to correct it.

Some pictures from this afternoon. A bit blurry from my shivering when we were stopped.
Saturday afternoon run
by garynortheast, on Flickr
Saturday afternoon run
by garynortheast, on Flickr
Saturday afternoon run
by garynortheast, on Flickr
Saturday afternoon run
by garynortheast, on Flickr
Saturday afternoon run
by garynortheast, on Flickr

shiftin_gear98 18-03-18 10:13 AM

Re: The running thread.
Where's your snow?
Just been out for a 7.0 mile run. It was a new route, I only got lost about 3 times. Still it was good to get out.

garynortheast 18-03-18 10:58 AM

Re: The running thread.
Ha ha! We got round yesterday afternoon just as the snow was starting. The bulk of it came down overnight and it's still falling now.

How was the new route? Got any pictures of it?

garynortheast 20-03-18 07:58 PM

Re: The running thread.
Very pleasant short run this afternoon with Sioned, one of my twin daughters. First part of the run is a killer but fair play to her, she kept going. She remarked at the end how much she'd enjoyed the run and how good it made her feel.

Running twice tomorrow, both shortish runs. First one is in the morning with my canicross buddy Kate and the four dogs. Second one is in the afternoon, probably the same route, again with Kate and at least three of the dogs. This time though her two boys and my other daughter, Eleri, will be joining us for part of the route. Sioned has also said that if she's not too tired she might join us again as well. Running families!

Today's little run.

garynortheast 22-03-18 08:34 AM

Re: The running thread.
Two runs around the same route yesterday. First one in the morning with my canicross running buddy, Kate and the four dogs. Lovely, bright and sunny run and not too chilly either.

Second run was with Kate again when all the kids got home from school. We took Mabel and two of Kate's dogs and then met three of her brood with the fourth dog and one of my daughters about half way round. They joined us for the rest of the run.

Running again this afternoon with my other daughter around the same three and a half mile loop. Also have a 7 miler planned for tomorrow morning, and I'm running a 10k event on Sunday.

It's becoming ever more addictive, this running malarkey!

shiftin_gear98 22-03-18 10:14 AM

Re: The running thread.
Nice good work.

garynortheast 22-03-18 04:55 PM

Re: The running thread.
You seem to be exploring a few interesting new routes Martin.

No run with Sioned this afternoon after all. We all had a bit of a late night last night and Sioned came home from school a bit too tired to run. That's fine though as it means I have at least had a rest day before our longer run tomorrow.

shiftin_gear98 22-03-18 08:01 PM

Re: The running thread.
Yeah the Manuden one is a keeper, not so sure about the other one yet. I'll give it another go and see if it flows a bit better when I don't get lost so many times. It'll be good to see if there is a way of not having to go through a hedge! I got out for a run Tuesday as you saw, tested my new compression socks - they were ok. Hoping to go tomorrow when I get back from work. However time is a little short as my missus is off out. Then I can test my new waste band bottle holder thing I picked up in Decathlon. These longer runs are getting a little thirsty, especially when it warms up.

garynortheast 22-03-18 08:30 PM

Re: The running thread.
I know what you mean about the need for liquid on the longer runs. Generally I try and avoid carrying anything other than a small pouch for phone (for the camera), but as the runs get longer and the weather warms up I'll have to start carrying a water bottle again.

The Canicross belt I run in has no pockets or pouches which is how I like it, but I may have to consider a second one with some storage/carrying facilities for the summer. I'm entered into the Goldrush Trail on 21st April, and despite the drinks stations on the route, I'm going to need to carry water.

shiftin_gear98 23-03-18 07:29 PM

Re: The running thread.
Well I managed to squeeze in a quick run. 6.7 miles. I even set a new 10k personal best. Tried out the bottle belt, to be honest it was just as annoying as the camelback I tried a while ago. Bounces all over the place, I'll give it another try before I condemn it. Just glad it was cheap.

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