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Kenzie 16-01-16 08:41 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Funny enough I'm out doing some low light photographery with my Trip 35. Currently sitting at Landguard point shooting the cscl artic ocean. Second largest container ship at 400m long. The lens that came out of the GEr has the fungus inside the lens and its sealed. Will pop some Shots up tomorrow. Only paid £7 odd quid for the GA but I really wanted the GEr to work. Something seems stuck with the GA, no odea what though. Still confused by the auto m so its sat to one side. Loads of Yashica Ministers and Js on ebay. All with Copal Sv shutters.

Sent from my Xperia T

johnnyrod 16-01-16 10:34 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
They're all f2.8 though aren't they? Will have a look in a min. For all I know they share the same leaves but the info just isn't there.

Kenzie 17-01-16 09:27 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Managed to free off the GA and in the middle of putting it back together, but the lens element is being a sod to screw back into its helical guide.

johnnyrod 17-01-16 09:28 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
This is definitely more out there than anything you've already got. Google it, particularly how you select shutter speed. It was offered in its day with loads of add-ons.

Kenzie 18-01-16 06:09 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Very tempting. I love 127 cameras, they are small, light and many funky designs but the film is so expensive and only black and white.

Kenzie 18-01-16 10:09 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Got my eye on a couple of cameras. God help me when carboot seasons comes around again!

johnnyrod 19-01-16 08:11 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Am attempting to curb my enthusiasm. Though I did see a Vitomatic II on ebay last night for a few quid. And a Kiev, but I'd be worried about the curtains. But now there is a film in my Pentax MX I've found the flash sync isn't working, hopefully something I can fix with the film in, but it was working before. I've got enough repairs projects really, but if a folding Contessa came up...

johnnyrod 19-01-16 08:19 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Just spotted this though, item 301848843141 in fleabay. Best to ask if the meter works (needle on top plate but I think also in the viewfinder). It's a Contessamatic E so a rangefinder and the Tessar lens is very good.

Kenzie 19-01-16 06:52 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Just had a look and sent them a message. Bidding on a Voigtlander Vito 2 35mm folder which finishes in an hour. Also want a Starflash 20 which is the 620 big brother of the Starmite 127.

johnnyrod 19-01-16 09:51 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Fingers crossed. They have a Polaroid as well!

Kenzie 19-01-16 10:02 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Got outbid. Did get a fully working Zorki 10 and case to replace my one with a dead meter.

Kenzie 20-01-16 07:16 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Johnny, have you considered rolling your own film? You can pick up loaders pretty cheap. The film costs a bit but it pretty much drops a roll of B&W film to about £3 odd instead of like £6.99 for HP5+

Kenzie 20-01-16 08:07 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Looks like my usual film supplier is changing hands so I need somewhere else to get my 120 film from. 620 isn't a problem as I respool 120 to 620 spools. Any ideas? Never used 7dayshop.

Sent from my Kindle Fire

johnnyrod 20-01-16 09:59 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
So far I've only used B&W in 120 so not really - or do you mean 120? I've used 7dayshop for colour film, usually a 5-pack is good value and strangely they often list two the same but one with postage and one without - I guess it depends how many things you're buying. Think Porta 400 was about a fiver a roll. B&W I last got from Amazon
while I was buying Christmas presents anyway.

Kenzie 21-01-16 07:46 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Not tried FP4. I usually buy Fomapan 100 for about £2.99 a roll. Boots sell 120 film but it isn't cheap.

johnnyrod 21-01-16 01:07 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I've used it once in 120 and got 8x8" enlargements of a couple. The grain is very fine (I believe Fomapan is a bit grainy? Depends what you like) and the exposure latitude is wide - 2 stops under to 6 stops over - as the reciprocity failure is quite marked. I was very pleased with the results. Somewhere in this thread are a couple of scans of our house and a couple of ducks, these (of course) are from that film. The scans really don't do justice to the prints though. So I bought it again. You can get it in Jessops as well but it'll be around the £7 mark too.

Kenzie 21-01-16 03:19 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Got an email back about the Zeiss. The meter hasn't been checked.

Sent from my Xperia T

johnnyrod 21-01-16 04:02 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Shocker. I usually find if they haven't checked it they don't know how. There is a needle in a small window on the top cover, when the exposure is right (shutter and aperture), the needle is centred. I usually include brief instructions i.e. shine a light on it then cover it up, needle should move back and forth. Might need to tell them to set it to say 1/30 and f2.8 so they see it over- and under-expose - for uncoupled ones it's a bit simpler. With these selenium meters as you probably know, the work or not, not much middle ground, but ones in cases tend to be fine.

Kenzie 21-01-16 06:47 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I can just see their faces glazing over as I ask them to wave a torch over it to see if the needle moves!

johnnyrod 21-01-16 07:47 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I've always had a sensible answer when I've asked it of people. I'd take a punt on it being cased as probably working. They're worth about £20-30 if fully operational but the case on its own is a tenner.

johnnyrod 21-01-16 08:52 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
PS did oyu fix your auto 110? See no. 281909014758 otherwise

Kenzie 21-01-16 09:38 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I did, got some shots on Flickr. I tweaked the shutter cocking lever and its fine. Got a spare Auto 110 if you fancy giving it a go?

johnnyrod 21-01-16 10:38 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Thanks but no, am trying to fix the flash on the MX, made some progress but discovered I also have a couple of dodgy PC cables, think they have been kinked too many times. Explains one really underexposed shot I had from my last 120 film, think I was trying to use fill flash which seems not to have gone off.

Kenzie 22-01-16 07:34 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
MX? Easy fix do you think?

Sent from my Kindle Fire

johnnyrod 22-01-16 07:48 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Hopefully, should be busted connections at either the sync switch or the front PC port, not terribly easy to get to though.

Kenzie 22-01-16 09:11 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Is the MX a Pentax?

johnnyrod 22-01-16 09:33 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Yep, a classic, got a meter but is 100% mechanical. It's even a black one which are the more sought after. PK mount lenses, it's a really lovely piece of kit.

Kenzie 22-01-16 10:14 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
You like fixing stuff. Fancy a go at the Auto M?

johnnyrod 22-01-16 10:39 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
To be honest I've lost track of that one, what's the deal? I could have a look but I'm trying to keep my life free of stuff for the next few months in the potentially-vain hope I am working up towards a big exam. It might cost you, my fee is measured in Lynxes... kidding

Kenzie 23-01-16 09:13 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
The shutter was gummed up. I thought I had to remove the mech cover and now I can't set the shutter speed or aperture properly. I'll get there in the end, I keep trying different things and slowly working it out. Camera only cost £2.50

Kenzie 23-01-16 11:12 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Just dropped off film from the GEr, Trip 35 and OM-10.

johnnyrod 23-01-16 03:31 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
If you get totally stuck then I'll take a look. Had a look at the MX today, I really need to take the top off and that needs the film out so it'll have to wait. Am off to try to find owls in the morning.

Kenzie 23-01-16 06:57 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Kenzie 24-01-16 06:28 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
What are your thoughts on these? Focus test on the GER. Do they look in focus?

johnnyrod 24-01-16 09:17 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Have you used a flash on these? What f stop? The closest ones look good, the 10ft one looks like it might be focusing a little long but hard to say - the buildings behind are reasonably sharp compared to the foreground.

Kenzie 24-01-16 09:26 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
No flash. The camera was in auto. Probably why the colour is off. Rangefinder is off but I don't know how to adjust. Nothing obvious under the screw on the back of the top plate.

Sent from my Kindle Fire

johnnyrod 24-01-16 09:36 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
No idea how to adjust it without seeing it. If possible you want to do the focus test with aperture wide open for minimum DoF, doesn't matter what the shutter speed is.

Kenzie 24-01-16 09:46 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
You have to take the lens apart and undo three screws holding the lens to the focus ring.

Sent from my Kindle Fire

johnnyrod 24-01-16 10:31 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
To be honest I do a lot of this stuff, if no instructions or advice is available, by figuring out what's in front of me, so it's hard to say. The focus scale and rangefinder both need setting. On my Contessa you do the focus scale first then the rangefinder, on my Contessamat it's the other way round. I think the GER doesn't have a B setting but you could do repeated exposures on the 2 second setting (but try to fix aperture at wide open, and go for about 1.5m or so) and just keep adjusting - I'd use a split circle focus screen here for sure. Exactly how to do the adjustment of the rangefinder I don't know, what you've said sounds more like the focus scale side of things. Sometimes though only one needs adjustment, or you can fudge it with what you have at your disposal. If you take a few pics with the top cover off then I'll glady have a look.

Kenzie 25-01-16 08:22 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
The latest Zorki 10 arrived. Its older than the one I have and has the Russian style writing on the top . Oh, and I also bought a bulk film loader to play with. Comes with some Ilford HP4 inside.

Sent from my Xperia T

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