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garynortheast 28-03-18 04:01 PM

Re: The running thread.
I enjoy running in company I must say, but I like running solo too. Running with someone though does encourage me out of the door, especially if I have made an arrangement with them to go.

Sounds like you had a good run there. The best runs are the ones that turn into a mini adventure. We're definitely not out of head torch territory yet though.

garynortheast 29-03-18 08:34 PM

Re: The running thread.
Just over 6 miles again this afternoon with Mabel, and my friend Kate and two of her dogs. Sioned joined us for the first 4.2 miles and then took a shorter route home. Kate and I then met up with my other daughter Eleri, and three of Kates kids, with the fourth dog, to finish he last two miles.

The ground had dried out quite a bit, so not as muddy as before, but a lot colder. It also started raining while we were crossing the windiest and most exposed part of our run!

A very enjoyable run, and it's interesting to see how the pace is starting to pick up now as the others are starting to build fitness and stamina. I'm having to do more than just amble at a leisurely pace now!

Todays route and stats on Strava

garynortheast 31-03-18 04:42 PM

Re: The running thread.
Had a run with my other daughter, Eleri, today. We're looking after one of my friends dogs so we had a dog each to run with. A very pleasant 4.7 miles, and particularly pleasing as Eleri had all but stopped running. Hoping to encourage her gently to keep it up.

My run with Eleri today

shiftin_gear98 02-04-18 08:20 AM

Re: The running thread.
I managed to get out yesterday afternoon. I was itching too as I missed my Friday run, due to family stuff. Glad I did get out as I now have the early stage of manflu. So hopefully that won't impact too much on this week's efforts. 9.3 miles. Wells Next the Sea. Yep currently enjoying the rain in North Norfolk. Posted run pics on Strava.

garynortheast 02-04-18 10:01 AM

Re: The running thread.
Wow, you had everything on that run, rivers, stately homes, the beach! Looks like a great run.

I was supposed to run with Sioned today but we have postponed it until tomorrow as I'm not well and I don't want to risk going out in the crap weather we have and making myself even more unwell. My canicross companion from up the lane can't go either so we've all agreed to do an early run in the morning.

garynortheast 06-04-18 07:30 PM

Re: The running thread.
Short run for me on Wednesday. First one since this vile cold hit me so I was being cautious. It started cloudy although dry but something about the look of it made us take waterproofs. Glad we did too as by the time we got back it was peeing down.
Wednesdays run

Was going to go for a longer run early this morning but my running buddy has tweaked her back, so we've postponed it till tomorrow afternoon. It's a favourite route of mine so I'm looking forward to it.

shiftin_gear98 07-04-18 08:33 AM

Re: The running thread.
I got out yesterday as I felt shocking all week. My missus kept asking me if I was OK, as I looked like **** as well as felt like it. Normally I get no sympathy. I was glad to get out, even if it wore me out for most of the morning. 7.1 miles. Tried to upload pics to Strava but reception is rubbish here.

garynortheast 07-04-18 08:17 PM

Re: The running thread.
If your cold/flu thing was like the one I'm recovering from then I know how you feel. It was pretty horrible!

Never got back in time for my run this afternoon but I have one organised for tomorrow morning with a bunch of the other Powys Canicross folk. Really looking forward to this, four or five of us with dogs (up to eight of them) and a run of anything up to 7 or 8 muddy miles of trails and lanes. I shall post pictures!
9am start!

garynortheast 09-04-18 07:05 PM

Re: The running thread.
Truly stunning early morning run this morning. Out with my running buddy Kate and all of the dogs at 7am. Birdsong, sun coming up through the mist, warmth, and fabulous general scenery. What a way to start the day!
This mornings run.

shiftin_gear98 10-04-18 07:16 AM

Re: The running thread.
Nice, better than my morning - commute to work in the rain!
I think I might have mullered the tendon in my left foot. It's been a tad sore for a month or so now, but I don't think it liked the Norfolk runs as much as I did. Hence I didn't get out Sunday, I was too busy limping.

It comes and goes, mainly sore in the morning when I wake up.

Still I expect I'll go stir crazy in a couple of days and go out anyway!

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