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Mike_84_650S'99 10-06-12 03:01 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
I'd like to add my thanks to organizers and attendees as well. Brilliant roads and a quality company.
Special thanks to:
Cazza for leading me there
Sid for blessing me with TEC bib for a moment
Supervox for planning the AR route and then to Southend

and all the ones wearing yellow bibs for making this all special.

Oh and a big thank you to the person that brought free booze. Sadly I dont know your name.

Littlepeahead 10-06-12 04:01 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
Hey everyone, thanks for coming. It was great to see you all and Jon did a great job of showing off the Essex roads, which may be flat but are never boring.

Pookie brought the free booze mostly, and I threw in a case of beer. Save Preston contributed something pink, sticky and odd smelling.

James in the pub will welcome us back as we are a well behaved bunch really. And Andy the catering man said he'd had fun looking after us.

Thanks from me go to everyone who helped me put up tents, clear up rubbish, build a fire, carry my change, car keys, bat phone etc as I had no pockets, count up the campers and work out the money when I kept getting confused.

Thanks to Chrissywissy8886 who as always sacrificed a bit of his fun to give me lifts pillion on Friday and today.

And also to Paul 6th for doing brilliant t-shirts, some after deadline, in a flattering fit. Then turning up looking like a drunk carrot on steroids.

Bluefish 10-06-12 04:04 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
Thanks for a brilliant ar once again, i'm too knackered to write more, so laters.

Paul the 6th 10-06-12 04:19 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
God dam fëck my life! Van is refusing to start again after stopping for coffee @ Newport pagnel services! 2.5 hours from home if I can get it to start again. Bloody hell.

But what a great weekend, haven't laughed like that for a while :) good to see the old gang & some new friends/bromances going on. Sv mad (Chris) has the nicest eyes ever & is really sweet for someone who's in the forces lol, fallout you dirty dog she probably wasn't even 18 (is that really her mobile number in pm?) and Craig criggers you funny guy lol "I'm a pick axe! Tent!"... Super cool weekend.

Thanks to JonARthon & clARe & Messie who was at the helm when planning started, AND all the other people who contributed to bring it all together.. Epic weekend XL deluxe edition :) gonna be stuck here waiting for the RAC for a little while now, arrrse!! If anyone is local and wants to bring after sun for my neck, I'm on the northbound side in the carpark looking pished off

Paul the 6th 10-06-12 04:21 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread

Originally Posted by Littlepeahead (Post 2724021)
And also to Paul 6th for doing brilliant t-shirts, some after deadline, in a flattering fit. Then turning up looking like a drunk carrot on steroids.

no worries @ tshirts, it's a soul destroying job to produce them but someone's gotta do it :) drunk carrot on steroids? Whaaaaaat? Am I that bad? Lol..

Oh & say hi to your sister :razz: x p.s. bikini crayola time was epic.

The Idle Biker 10-06-12 04:59 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
Big thanks from me to everyone that helped put the AR together.

It takes a lot of work before, during and after to put something like that together.

Marvellous! Cheers again.

BillyC 10-06-12 07:25 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
Echo the sentiments - big thanks to Jonathan and Clare, without their reminders (and Cazza's too), I would never have made it and had such a great day. Of course, to everyone else involved as well.

Fantastic to see everyone after what has been quite a while off the scene, it really reminds me what I've been missing!

Lucas 10-06-12 07:34 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
Thanks all for a awesome AR!

Good to catch up and meet everyone new and old :D

Paul the 6th 10-06-12 07:40 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
a small selection of pics up already:

BernardBikerchick 10-06-12 07:40 PM

Re: The big Thank you Thread
awwww you guys rock you really do ! Absolutely fantastic epic weekend really was... loved every min - shame we missed the ride out but by about 9pm, half hour after arriving, it felt like we'd been there all day :) :) massive thank you to organisers top top job. the venue was amazing and I am now in love with Jim the owner !! Fantastic bloke and top pub and he even dug up some of his lemon balm plant for me to take a cutting home !!! Bless him

Paul6th YOU were just the frigging highlight of the weekend with that crayola outfit !! i'm honoured I got to wear it whilst doing a hand stand .... Cue Martianskippy to load pics from this morning hehehehe utterly awesome you are dude !!! Keep ya pecker up fnarr fnarr and get ya backside down to us this weekend !!!

LPH top bikini I deffo fancy you now ;)

Saeed - still chuckling about us cracking up at Spidey's tent stuffing skills hahah

Preston !!! - I have never had such a wARm welcome before in my life !!!! thank you for that and great to see you two

Caz your poor poor converse PMSL that funny I nearly wet myself hilarious squelch squelch :) :)

Voxs simply a pleasure to see you guys as always and your boys i just want to adopt !!

Jambo just for being you and our pleasure to take ya stuff home we still have your crutch from two years ago in our shed hehehehe :) :)

mARtin - loved the 'car boot bar' situation you had arranged there :) :) yummy apple pies and thank you for saving my hand after my handstand bee sting incident !!!

Sally for having great jugs :)

Dicky Ticker is was great chatting to you too

Treacle - just hilarious off ya face : ):) :)

All of you lot rock - hope to see you all very soon - xxxxxxxxxxxxx:smt040:smt040:smt040:smt040:smt040

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