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Kenzie 22-05-15 07:22 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
It was £5 to get the 35 and 110 developed and scanned to disc. Pick them up tomorrow.

maviczap 22-05-15 08:10 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3012231)
It was £5 to get the 35 and 110 developed and scanned to disc. Pick them up tomorrow.

I'm getting my OM10 & Cannon EOS out to play again!

Kenzie 22-05-15 08:13 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
The AGFA 200 from Poundland ain't half bad for messing about with.

Sent from my Kindle Fire

maviczap 22-05-15 08:24 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3012250)
The AGFA 200 from Poundland ain't half bad for messing about with.

Sent from my Kindle Fire

How much does it cost?

Kenzie 22-05-15 09:04 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Don't you start

maviczap 23-05-15 07:19 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
YouTube Video
Error: If you cannot see this video, then either YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed to play it.

Kenzie 23-05-15 07:22 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Lets just say its more than 99p but less than a pound and a penny. Just picked up some Fuji C200 from Asda. See how that looks through the AE-1 and my newly aqquired Olympus Trip 35

Sent from my Xperia T

Kenzie 23-05-15 12:34 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Got the films done, the res isn't really high so they may need rescanning. Some from the Pentax 110 with some overlap of the frames as it wasn't winding on correctly:

Some from one of the Voigtlanders:

Ch00 23-05-15 01:19 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Nice pics there Kenzie. They do have a nice soft retro feel about them.

Kenzie 23-05-15 04:01 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Yeah, something that the crispness of digital can't really reproduce.

johnnyrod 24-05-15 09:12 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Are you getting a bit camera shake there? Some are a lot clearer than others.

I've had a pop at the lens on the K2 I bought but if anything I've made it worse. It still won't adjust past f8, now a bit dodgier still, and it is focusing too short. I can't find any info on the web about it (Pentax 50mm f1.2), am going to have to mull it over for a while.

Kenzie 24-05-15 10:02 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Yeah, I think I may have set the shutter speed too slow on that one. Just put some Fuji in the AE-1. Also bought a film scanner from Amazon. Does 35mm and 110.

johnnyrod 26-05-15 08:07 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I bought the bits from Maplin to make a shutter speed tester, all came today. I still have to sort out a Zeiss Ikon Contessamat SBE which has grotty (probably fungus'd) lenses and sticky innards. My 120 folder is also said to run a bit slow so I can find out how slow as well. When I get my backside around to it.

Kenzie 26-05-15 08:17 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Another new toy

Kenzie 27-05-15 01:16 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I won that Voigtlander you pointed out. A whole 99p plus postage

Sent from my Xperia T

johnnyrod 27-05-15 02:35 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Hahaha, good for you! Nice Trip BTW

Kenzie 27-05-15 06:19 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Got myself a film scanner. Not too bad for the price. Need to fiddle to get the best results. Just waiting for a set of light seals for the Trip as they have gone to mush.

johnnyrod 28-05-15 08:54 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I used some of this to replace the mirror brake on the MX and Super A as they turn to mush with age

Kenzie 28-05-15 12:16 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I managed to get a seal kit for a fiver from ebay. Hope the Voigtlander turns up ok.they arr not sure if it even works.

Sent from my Xperia T

johnnyrod 28-05-15 01:38 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
That's half the fun! I saw a Super Ikonta with an Opton Tessar lens on ebay last night, but it really looks like it's been exhumed.

johnnyrod 28-05-15 08:23 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Well got the pics back from the Vitomatic - garbage. Almost all way too dark, will have to go over my notes on settings used but it's almost like it only works at a very short shutter speed. I was metering at 100ISO for a film that was 200 but I didn't know it, but that's far from the whole picture. No idea how old the film was though a couple of pics came out fine. Will have to try the shutter tester when I build it! On the plus side I got a couple of 8x8 enlargements form the 120 folder and they're properly amazing

Kenzie 28-05-15 08:59 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Pop some shots up. Just had some 127 film arrive.

johnnyrod 28-05-15 09:34 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I have to be honest, I can't be arsed, they're that bad! I have to go upstairs and get my old scanner woken up each time, and it has bits of dust inside the case which I can't get out. I might have a go at scanning the enlargements. Reminds me, we have an old HP negative scanner at work, I might give it a go if I can figure it out.

johnnyrod 29-05-15 09:05 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Is this you?

Kenzie 29-05-15 12:00 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Not me,but an interesting blog. Will have to have a read!

Sent from my Xperia T

Kenzie 05-06-15 06:51 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Just been given a Brownie 620-D from a garage drawer. Part used film inside so we fired off the last shots. Unloaded and found to be original Kodak Six-20 film. Just finding out if they will process it. Also just sent off the 120 film from the Korell and the Ensign.

johnnyrod 05-06-15 10:13 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Blimey you're busy! I finally finished making the shutter tester, my wife bought a pair of earphones from Poundland to pinch the cable from, but they were unbelievably xhit. It was basically string with a single copper strand each way so unusable. Sorted it out though and had a go with a couple of old rangefinders and an SLR. They are all a bit slower than they should be, around 1/2 to 1 stop so overexposing which is no bad thing. Daughter is yakking all over the place tonight so not much peace, will have more of a go another time!

Where are you getting the 120s developed? I used The Photo Processors who were good but pricey, have been using Peak Imaging who are more reasonable and seem fine. Not sure about Jessops, my first 35mm film came back scratched and I couldn't find anything in the camera, which was very clean anyway, that would have done it.

Sir Trev 06-06-15 09:39 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
A timely question following JR's post above - where are you getting your processing done? Have uncovered Lady Poppy's Pentax P30t which is in clean and working order after a good ten years in a cupboard. Fresh batteries in and the light meter seems happy and there is no sign of gunge, oil or fungus in the kit 22-80 lens. Getting film is no issue but I was hoping to put a roll of b+w through it to make sure it is still light proof but Jessops send it away and quote 2 weeks turnaround, and the postal services (develop and scan) seem very expensive. C41 colour processing from Jessops is not much cheaper it seems. I'm not intending to set up a darkroom so what do you guys do?

maviczap 06-06-15 09:42 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3011938)
Just found out that my local asda will develop and scan to cd 35mm and 110 film for less than a fiver.

Sent from my Xperia T


Kenzie 06-06-15 11:01 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
My local Jessops will do one hour instore develop and scan for £8. I am using rollfilmproceesing for the 120 film. Two rolls of 120 develop and scan was £16.97. Off to the Lake District tomorrow for the week and wondering what film camera(s) to take.

Sent from my Xperia T

johnnyrod 06-06-15 01:23 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
ALL OF THEM. I dunno, weather looks good so some medium format for sure. My processing links:
Various pages for the different services. After your first one they send you a little box and form to make posting easier, and they'll store your 120 negs digitally to make reprints easier. Seem good so far, the quality of my enlargments was good.
More £££ but good
Not used them yet

I also used Max Spielmann (Klick) but it was printed on Bible paper, think it was cheaper than Jessops but took a week to come back

Clear as mud.

Kenzie 06-06-15 04:54 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Will most likely take the Brownie (not the one I just acquired) the Holga Micro and the Trip 35. Not to mention the D3200/TZ35.

Sir Trev 06-06-15 09:08 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3014288)

Will most likely take the Brownie (not the one I just acquired) the Holga Micro and the Trip 35. Not to mention the D3200/TZ35.

I have the image of the Japanese tourist from Airplane 2 in my head now...

Thanks for the processing suggestions guys. Will see who in town has some film and pop a roll through to see if the P30 still works.

Kenzie 06-06-15 09:27 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Try Poundland. They usually have AGFA 200 for you know how much. Also ASDA do 3x rolls of Fuji 35mm for £8.

johnnyrod 06-06-15 09:44 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Damn that's good

Kenzie 06-06-15 10:00 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Yeah, the Trip is loaded with Fuji. Will be good to see how it turns out.

maviczap 07-06-15 03:43 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3014307)
Try Poundland. They usually have AGFA 200 for you know how much. Also ASDA do 3x rolls of Fuji 35mm for £8.

Couldn't find any in my Poundland :confused:

Sir Trev 07-06-15 03:51 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by maviczap (Post 3014360)
Couldn't find any in my Poundland :confused:

Just got back from HW town centre and the Poundland here does not have any :( Asda is a couple of miles away up a frikkin long and steep hill so I'll try there next time I'm using petrol power instead of pedal power. My local Jessops (v expensive for film! ) suggested I try Ilford XP2 for b+w as they can process it in house for about 8 quid process and scan. But this stuff is about 7 quid from eBay and I dont know yet if the P30 is still light proof.

johnnyrod 07-06-15 08:29 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Just for a test roll you could just use colour and convert it in post processing i.e. photoshop. You don't get the same sort of range or fineness though. Check out 7dayshop if you haven't already. Meant to say the postal places I've used were no more than a week turnaround. My wife tried Poundland up here and no film either, I think it's a bit patchy, apparently if you're lucky you might get 36 instead of 24 exposure. Just depends what they can get I suppose. I got a good deal on some AA batteries from Klick, can't remember the price of film though, might be worth a call.

johnnyrod 11-06-15 02:40 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Tried ringing Klick/Max Spielmann, wasn't cheap for film. I did however score the Agfaphoto from Poundland, the one in Doncaster town centre had a mountain of it (though none at all down the road in Worksop). 200 ISO, 24 exposures, dated March 2017. I did some poking around and it's basically the same Fuji C200 they are selling in Asda at 3/£8. Agfa are no more in film, it's just rebranded. No 4th colour layer but reviews say quite easy on the lowlights and good grain and colour, so will give it a go. I rang Poundland first to see if my trip was going to be worthwhile and the woman on the phone said they had it listed as 36mm film. God knows why but if you find yourself in the same situation then it might help you to know that!

I used the shutter speed tester on a few cameras, they are all running slow (but all are older than me), I think the problems with the Vitomatic are that it was set to the wrong ISO (the film was already in it), and the metering is a bit dark anyway, 1-1.5 stops. I need to check this out as against the Pocket Light Meter app it's almost fine but I reckon that on our ipad is underexposing most of a stop. Anyway all in I was shooting a couple of stops down or worse, and with only 5 from black to white on colour film there isn't that much wiggle room. Will give it another go with the Poundland film I reckon, at the very least I'm practising with fill-in flash settings; the joy of a leaf shutter, that you can set it to any speed you like for flash.

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