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Flamin_Squirrel 15-11-07 02:28 PM

Re: Fortress Britain

Originally Posted by Pedrosa (Post 1341702)
But rather than criticising suggestions being made, or methods in place already, does no one have a potentially workable option other than the...

"it's the government intervening again blah,blah vitriol?":confused:

I think the point is that there is no solution - hence why people take exception to being spyed on by the government, especially when we're being charged a fortune for the privilage.

That said, stop beating the crap out of the middle east wouldn't be a bad place to start.

Smudge 15-11-07 02:39 PM

Re: Fortress Britain

Originally Posted by Flamin_Squirrel (Post 1341732)
I think the point is that there is no solution - hence why people take exception to being spyed on by the government, especially when we're being charged a fortune for the privilage.

That said, stop beating the crap out of the middle east wouldn't be a bad place to start.

i know we should have just dropped the bomb it would have been cheaper and stopped the Americans using us for target practice

Pedrosa 15-11-07 02:39 PM

Re: Fortress Britain

Originally Posted by Flamin_Squirrel (Post 1341732)
I think the point is that there is no solution - hence why people take exception to being spyed on by the government, especially when we're being charged a fortune for the privilage.

That said, stop beating the crap out of the middle east wouldn't be a bad place to start.

FS...Your reply dissapoints me to be honest. I was thinking that maybe you had quite clear alternatives in mind? Your response hints at no more than perhaps exasperation and outrage only?

(My reply is not aimed at goading you at all.)

Smudge 15-11-07 02:45 PM

Re: Fortress Britain
what we should do is give the suicide bombers a safe place to do it like a big field and open days where you could go and pay to watch, its not there fault they believe every word that is said to them but we could kill a few birds with one stone here, and make some money in the process

gettin2dizzy 15-11-07 02:49 PM

Re: Fortress Britain

Originally Posted by SmudgeK3 (Post 1341758)
what we should do is give the suicide bombers a safe place to do it like a big field and open days where you could go and pay to watch, its not there fault they believe every word that is said to them but we could kill a few birds with one stone here, and make some money in the process


That's a brilliant idea!

licoricepizza 15-11-07 02:53 PM

Re: Fortress Britain
Again, with the utmost respect to those who died and their families (and of course the 700+ who were injured)...

As 56 people died in the July 7th bombings, over two years ago, I'd say the terrorist threat is negligible if you consider there are about 60 million people in the UK. That is literally a one-in-a-million chance of being killed by a terrorist, I fancy my chances. My objection is that my freedom is being restricted for no good reason, my liberties and privacy removed for essentially a myth. I bet one in a million horses born has a horn on it's forehead, doesn't mean it's a unicorn. OK, maybe not. I would like to see how an ID card will protect me again a terrorist bomb, just how big are they, and what are they made of? Why do you need my email address if I'm travelling? Is it to judge how much Viagra I've been offered to assess the danger of a mid-flight stonker that may endanger the lives of others?

What can be done is to apply pressure to muslim communities in order to get them to identify the extreme minority within, rather than our current policy of making excuses for a particularly vocal minority. You hear clerics praising the martyrs and we do nothing, we have women routinely killed for dishonouring families and we do nothing, saying that, the muslim community is fairly quiet about that issue too. We don't ask muslims to deal with the BNP, we do that, and quite rightly. It's time to stop walking on eggshells and start making the muslim communities acknowledge that, however you look at it, the problem is more closely related to them and is more their responsibility, than it is people of other faiths, or no faith at all. If you stand too close to fan that the sh*t's getting thrown at, it's going to splat on you a bit too.

Smudge 15-11-07 02:56 PM

Re: Fortress Britain
i wouldnt blow myself up no matter how many virgins, i dont know where i heard this but someone once said virgins look great on paper but if you think about it they all be screaming and wanting to be bought icecreams

Smudge 15-11-07 03:03 PM

Re: Fortress Britain

Originally Posted by licoricepizza (Post 1341769)
Again, with the utmost respect to those who died and their families (and of course the 700+ who were injured)...

As 56 people died in the July 7th bombings, over two years ago, I'd say the terrorist threat is negligible if you consider there are about 60 million people in the UK. That is literally a one-in-a-million chance of being killed by a terrorist, I fancy my chances. My objection is that my freedom is being restricted for no good reason, my liberties and privacy removed for essentially a myth. I bet one in a million horses born has a horn on it's forehead, doesn't mean it's a unicorn. OK, maybe not. I would like to see how an ID card will protect me again a terrorist bomb, just how big are they, and what are they made of? Why do you need my email address if I'm traveling? Is it to judge how much Viagra I've been offered to assess the danger of a mid-flight stonker that may endanger the lives of others?

What can be done is to apply pressure to muslim communities in order to get them to identify the extreme minority within, rather than our current policy of making excuses for a particularly vocal minority. You hear clerics praising the martyrs and we do nothing, we have women routinely killed for dishonouring families and we do nothing, saying that, the muslim community is fairly quiet about that issue too. We don't ask muslims to deal with the BNP, we do that, and quite rightly. It's time to stop walking on eggshells and start making the muslim communities acknowledge that, however you look at it, the problem is more closely related to them and is more their responsibility, than it is people of other faiths, or no faith at all. If you stand too close to fan that the sh*t's getting thrown at, it's going to splat on you a bit too.

i live within 100metres of were there has been terrorist activity and know a lot of muslims and i dont believe for a second that there is a minority they all want bush dead dont forget about rushty life isnt important in the east thats why so many are escaping, our ethics are different and we believe that not to follow is a good thing you know to make your own mind up and seek out the good from the bad, i guess what im tring to say is not so many of us have blind faith like we had in medievil times its just through civilization weve become more talerent towards each other, and we're not so easerly offended we are more secure in ourselves otherwise we be burning dolls n flags too

Flamin_Squirrel 15-11-07 04:38 PM

Re: Fortress Britain

Originally Posted by Pedrosa (Post 1341748)
FS...Your reply dissapoints me to be honest. I was thinking that maybe you had quite clear alternatives in mind? Your response hints at no more than perhaps exasperation and outrage only?

(My reply is not aimed at goading you at all.)

It's not that I don't think there are alternatives, I just don't think that there's a particular problem that needs solving. See pizzas post, I share his views :smile:

northwind 15-11-07 08:29 PM

Re: Fortress Britain

Originally Posted by gettin2dizzy (Post 1341639)
To be a fundamentalist you have to believe in the fundamentals of a religion, ie believeing the word of the Koran and acting on it. Not only do Muslims fundamentally believe the Koran, but Shariah law enforces it. I don't see how that can not be a fundamentalist religion.

This I don't agree with at all, and to be honest I think it's a common misunderstanding of how sharia, and muslim practice of beliefs in general, operates. Fundamentalism generally means not just believing in the fundamentals of a religion, but rejecting all else. It's odd, because the people we call fundamentalist muslims generally aren't fundamentalist at all, they're intensely revisionist. The Qur'an and Sunnah are essentially a basic, immutable code, but most of what we see in the western perception of sharia isn't directly derived from the Qur'an. A fundamentalist by rights should reject the fiqh and hadith, but none do, since they use the hadith in particular to support their arguments.

The most fundamentalist muslim organisation in the world right now is probably muslim feminism, since one of the main weapons they have is using the Qur'an to overcome the subsequent fiqh and hadith that have grown against them, and cutting back through translation and corruption to older meanings. Arranged marriage is forbidden in the Qur'an, for example, and the "sharia" dress codes are almost entirely from hadith.

On the other hand, the Taliban aren't Qur'anic fundamentalists at all, if anything they disregard swathes of the Qur'an to serve their ends.

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