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garynortheast 21-10-18 08:55 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Woke at 9.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Now sat with a cup of tea, thinking I'll have a lazy morning before I join a group of local canicrossers for a run this afternoon.

Heorot 21-10-18 12:32 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Saw this on a T-shirt yesterday:

Eat well
Exercise lots
Die anyway.

maviczap 21-10-18 12:40 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by garynortheast (Post 3093737)
Woke at 9.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Now sat with a cup of tea, thinking I'll have a lazy morning before I join a group of local canicrossers for a run this afternoon.

Early bed tonight then :-)

Had a good night out at my mates ,50th some beer was consumed, and some dancing ensued. Got up at 9, slightly worse for wear, but no hangover

garynortheast 21-10-18 04:35 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by maviczap (Post 3093756)
Early bed tonight then :-)

Had a good night out at my mates ,50th some beer was consumed, and some dancing ensued. Got up at 9, slightly worse for wear, but no hangover

Definitely an early night coming up Mav!

No hangover is a bonus then. I have no tolerance for alcohol, a single pint of beer is as much as I can cope with. Two pints is a guarantee of a hangover.

Had my run this afternoon, in good company, and feel much better for it.

maviczap 22-10-18 11:31 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Blimey, slept in after 7.30 today, must have needed it.

Helped knowing there's no school run to do as its half term.

Still wandering round tired, must have been all that Dad dancing we did :-)

Sir Trev 22-10-18 06:00 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by maviczap (Post 3093810) school run to do as its half term.

Ah, so that's why the supermarket was full of badly behaved little gits this morning. Was wondering why they weren't in school. Once you don't have kids at home any more you tend to forget the dates to look out for.

maviczap 22-10-18 07:31 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Yep I went shopping today, place was rammed

garynortheast 22-10-18 09:14 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Half term here (and it would seem over the border in Shropshire) doesn't start till the end of this week. I guessed that some places have started though as the main road for the coast was full of camper vans, caravans, and people carriers today.

garynortheast 23-10-18 08:22 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Evening all!

maviczap 23-10-18 08:49 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Evening sir

garynortheast 24-10-18 06:40 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Finally feel like I'm catching up on sleep now. Several early nights seem to have done the trick after three very late ones last week.

littleoldman2 24-10-18 06:31 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
I'm a day late but..... good evenig

maviczap 24-10-18 06:42 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Evening All

garynortheast 24-10-18 07:16 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
And how is everyone this evening?

littleoldman2 24-10-18 08:00 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
I'm good, relaxed, brousing the tint'web then a spot of tele about 10 ish. Had a carp day:( but much better frame of mind now:). How's yous lot then.

andrewsmith 24-10-18 08:01 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Hello rabble

How you doing Malc?

Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk

littleoldman2 24-10-18 08:04 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Hello Andy, how's your nights?.

garynortheast 24-10-18 08:14 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
All ok here. Hoping for a dry day tomorrow as I want to get out and recce the ride out routes for next year's Border Patrol Weekender.

andrewsmith 24-10-18 08:26 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by littleoldman2 (Post 3093967)
Hello Andy, how's your nights?.

Well I'm working tonight and we're getting about 4 hours solid

Originally Posted by garynortheast (Post 3093968)
All ok here. Hoping for a dry day tomorrow as I want to get out and recce the ride out routes for next year's Border Patrol Weekender.

That's what supermoto rubbers for

Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk

littleoldman2 24-10-18 08:29 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
I'm struggling with bikes atm as the only bike I'm strong enough to ride and is road legal is the Van Van. the Striple's chain holed the crankcase when the chain split in Scotland a few weeks ago so needs a full strip, this of course is taking me a long time. Hopefully be back on it in early spring.

littleoldman2 24-10-18 08:30 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
What time you working till then Andy.

garynortheast 24-10-18 08:39 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by littleoldman2 (Post 3093973)
I'm struggling with bikes atm as the only bike I'm strong enough to ride and is road legal is the Van Van. the Striple's chain holed the crankcase when the chain split in Scotland a few weeks ago so needs a full strip, this of course is taking me a long time. Hopefully be back on it in early spring.

Bugger!! Didn't realise it had done so much damage!

littleoldman2 24-10-18 08:47 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Aye it's only about half an inch but I dont know if there's any dirt or dirty casing in the sump. Bottom casing and I know a very good Ali welder, so it's really just a time problem. I stopped the engine straight away so I'm sure that's OK.

garynortheast 24-10-18 09:03 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
What a pain in the arris though!

littleoldman2 24-10-18 09:11 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
I've just been chatting to Mrs LOM and she said mid sentence "it was my fault". Thirty Three years and I've never heard that one. Still no doubt it will change.

andrewsmith 24-10-18 09:25 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by littleoldman2 (Post 3093974)
What time you working till then Andy.

About 12 last job is the MiL from the airport

Originally Posted by littleoldman2 (Post 3093981)
I've just been chatting to Mrs LOM and she said mid sentence "it was my fault". Thirty Three years and I've never heard that one. Still no doubt it will change.

That's a new one. So a proper job on the motor

Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk

littleoldman2 24-10-18 10:21 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
yep, going to take me a while. The bloke who owns the welders next to my workspace is a wonderfull ali welder and has done a few jobs for me. So "just" need to get it into bits.

punyXpress 25-10-18 08:27 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
"it was my fault"

Isn't that written into a bloke's wedding vows ?

btw: Good Morning All :)

Sir Trev 25-10-18 10:03 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Morning all.

Decided today was a good day to take Hugh for a (probably) final blast before the salt starts to appear down here. Was heading for a bike shop caff when I remember I was meant to be staying in for a parcel delivery. Ooops. Ended up as a nice circuit of 30 miles instead of the planned 80 but hey ho. No card through the door so I got away with it. Yay!!

Brimmed the tank ready for layover just before I got home and went to add some ProFST as a stabiliser when I was shocked to see fuel almost over the top of the filler neck... It must be very cold in the underground tank at the filling station and of course it had warmed up a lot sitting over my warm engine and it expanded. More than I thought it would! Good job I filled up on the side stand and I use the centre stand in the garage. Should be fine once it cools down.

Bibio 25-10-18 02:01 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
wish i could go out on the bike :smt089

roll on the spring :bounce:

littleoldman2 25-10-18 05:08 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Soon be here. Cannot wait either. What's the latest on the ticker?.

Bibio 26-10-18 10:22 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by littleoldman2 (Post 3094006)
Soon be here. Cannot wait either. What's the latest on the ticker?.

i'll know more after the 7th nov. my specialist at the vic could not say much as he needs the results from the specialist in edin. they are more concerned about the narrowing of the left/right iliac artery's where they join the aortia in the stomach. once they fix that then they will fix the one in my heart but only when the clot has dissipated to an acceptable level.

littleoldman2 26-10-18 10:59 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
So R n R as best you can till then. After that you'll be the Bionic Bibio.

maviczap 26-10-18 11:22 AM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by littleoldman2 (Post 3094047)
So R n R as best you can till then. After that you'll be the Bionic Bibio.

If he can wait, Yamaha are making one, I know its a Yamaha :p

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Sir Trev 26-10-18 03:55 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Good job I got my shorter-than-planned ride in yesterday as I saw a gritter in Wycombe today. So one of my jobs this weekend is to give Hugh a wash and wax, tidy the garage and tuck him away until spring. Probably for the best as I used my last pair of earplugs yesterday too.

Bibio 26-10-18 04:46 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
sounds like a good plan Trev..

bloke across the back said i can put my bike in his garage (get your filthy mind out the gutter folks) over the winter as it will give him something to polish... suits me just dandy :-)

garynortheast 26-10-18 09:25 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Evening, how's everyone's day been?

Bibio 26-10-18 09:27 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
cheesed off at so called professionals. apart from that dandy even though my arz is giving it a brass band.. lol

hows yourself..

andrewsmith 26-10-18 09:52 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread

Originally Posted by Bibio (Post 3094070)
cheesed off at so called professionals. apart from that dandy even though my arz is giving it a brass band.. lol

hows yourself..

You been eating my cooking?!

Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk

garynortheast 26-10-18 10:07 PM

Re: The All new Reeder Megathread
Not bad here. Just got home from silver band practise and about to head off to bed.

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