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yokohama 03-09-16 06:45 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Not much difference. Scan to disc is easier in that I don't need another box to store all the prints in.

Kenzie 03-09-16 06:52 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Just realised that the 4400f won't scan medium format. The backlight is too thin. Will either have to keep the 8400f or pay to have scans as well.

yokohama 03-09-16 07:04 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Scans to disc cost will mount up after a while. It's maybe better to have 2 scanners.

Kenzie 03-09-16 07:09 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Bit of a pain as I have to balance a bit of glass on the bed of the broken one in an attempt to use it. Would be better if I could find a film holder for it.

johnnyrod 03-09-16 07:24 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Curious problem but it does look like light leaks. I would have said a sticking shutter but it's a vertical shutter I think, and the lines are horizontal. Possibly some damage to the shutter I guess, leaky pivot or something, try examining it for leaks both cokked and uncokked. The leatherette is just cosmetic. Or maybe a leak in the seals where the mirror is up, leaking light from the viewfinder. Depending on the direction of the sun, how close your eye is etc. the amount of stray light will vary. Possibly even a loose bit that has now seated properly. On my Pentax Super A you can get underexposure if too much light from the eyepiece makes its way to the meter, for example.

yokohama 03-09-16 08:07 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
It's a vertical, metal shutter so I don't think that's the problem. The door isn't warped or bent. I replaced the rail seals just after I got it, but not the hinge seal, which had been done. It looks like a kind of felt and quite thin. I'll replace it with foam, bang another film through and see what happens.

Kenzie 03-09-16 08:15 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Careful with the hinge seal as it might make closing the film door more difficult. Bought a Vilia with a jammed shutter, freed it off but damaged the film door hinge. ME Super is a no go I think. Wind lever mechanism is dead.

yokohama 03-09-16 08:34 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I'll use the greaseproof paper and blu-tack technique as per John Goodman to check thickness but 1.5mm should be about right.
Shame about the ME super. Not repairable?

Kenzie 03-09-16 08:38 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Don't think so. Not a problem really but the wind lever doesn't feel like its attached to anything.

Might have a shutter problem, speeds don't seem to change. Seems to be around 150/100 ish.

yokohama 03-09-16 08:57 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
At least it's mechanical. Can you fix it, or is it heading north?

johnnyrod 03-09-16 09:07 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Nice axe

Kenzie 03-09-16 09:08 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Ignore me, think I get it. Tired from all the camera hunting and repairs today!

johnnyrod 03-09-16 09:46 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Kenzie 04-09-16 08:10 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Probably won't send the Certo or the Bessa up north as Johnny has enough to fix at the moment. K1000, QL19 and Vito B I think.

yokohama 04-09-16 10:46 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I replaced all the seals around the door and hinges. This is about as far as my arts and craft will take me!

I'm going out now to blast off a roll of Poundland's finest and try out a couple of lenses.
Experiment time! The first 12 shots with the camera taped up; the next 12 shots without the tape and see what happens. (Kenzie, spot what you taught me. :))

Kenzie 04-09-16 03:56 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Hmm, elegant!

johnnyrod 04-09-16 04:10 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Kenzie don't worry about it. The Vito is ready to use, the Canonet I haven't triaged yet but may be scrap anyway, and I don't know what to do with the K1000 yet as I suspect its problem are more than a jammed mechanism, looking at the way its' been stored and the nasty crunchy winding. The folders are relatively easy by comparison so feel free to send them over. Some day I'll send you something back! I do have a few of my own too but I pick these things up randomly really.

Kenzie 04-09-16 04:15 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I think the QL19 is too far gone. The Certo came apart pretty badly but if you fancy a challenge I will send it up along with the Bessa. If the K1000 is kaput, is there any useful spares on it? If not then bin it. Off to Vegas in three weeks. Going to take my D3200, 35mm f1.8 (52mm on aps-c) and the kit 18-55mm. Debating whether to take a lone film camera with me but its more to carry. If I did, what would it be? Trip 35? XA3? It would need to able to handle low light.
Have you used the Vito yet?

yokohama 04-09-16 07:05 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
The Trip would probably handle low light better than the XA3. Have you got a small compact with a manual mode, or even a small SLR? Pentax ME with a small prime lens maybe.

I finished off a film in a couple of hours today and tried out a couple of Minolta zooms but getting it processed up here on a Sunday....

Kenzie 04-09-16 07:09 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I have my TZ35, HS10 or my D3200. Think I'll stick to digital given the amount of shots I'll likely take. Got a couple of Harleys booked and will ride out to the Grand Canyon if we have time.

johnnyrod 04-09-16 07:16 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
The only compacts I have with faster lenses are the Olympus or Konica, both f1.8 or so, but both nearly as big as an SLR. Thought you had a Canonet, or is it f2.8? I guess it's only about a stop difference, you could go for some 800ISO film to make up for it. Be warned though, faster film tolerates less X-ray abuse, so if you could buy it over there and/or process it over there then do that. US security are total Nazis so you'll get away with nothing, like asking if you can pass it through without X-ray.

Vegas is nuts, fact. I went for nearly a week and the only thing that kept me sane was getting out into the desert a couple of times, and I'm not one prone to exaggeration. If you are down the far end of the strip (near Wynn hotel) then do hit Strip Burger, nothing to do with women who don't seem to be able to afford clothes, but all about the best burgers in the place. That and the outlet shopping place out of town, actually cheap which is a surprise after the strip.

Won two things, oops. This:
so good bag that I was after (if not vintage leather), can collect locally, and it comes with a Pentacon ERC that should at least cover the £1.75 purchase price. Also this:
which should fetch upwards of £30 when fully working, and hopefully work out better than the EK8 which is still sitting there. I was a bit more careful with my checking of sold prices so I'm a bit more confident. Provided it doesn't harbour any nasty surprises!

yokohama 04-09-16 07:54 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3053300)
I have my TZ35, HS10 or my D3200. Think I'll stick to digital given the amount of shots I'll likely take. Got a couple of Harleys booked and will ride out to the Grand Canyon if we have time.

Harleys out to the Grand Canyon sounds like an awesome idea.

johnnyrod 04-09-16 08:03 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Missed that one! Think I was typing at the same time. Space in the saddlebag for a 120 folder perhaps? Grand Canyon is quite a long schlep overland from Vegas, think it's 4-6 hours or so, can't remember now, which is one reason a lot of people go for the trips in a helicopter or plane. I only saw it from the plane as we were leaving town. It is indeed, muy grand.

yokohama 04-09-16 08:36 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
That bag was a good buy Johnny, considering the stuff that came with it.

johnnyrod 04-09-16 08:46 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Yep, I PMd her for the dimensions (27x16x16) and then after more thought put a few quid on it and left it. I'm surprised no one else had a punt but it was a bit of a flat listing, and on ebay you really have to catch people's eyes.

Kenzie 05-09-16 05:02 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Can I be bothered though?

johnnyrod 05-09-16 06:00 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Doesn't sound like it!

yokohama 05-09-16 06:57 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I don't know about the canon but the Minolta is very similar to the x300, with more plastic. Plastic bodied lens too if it's anything like the one that came on the X370.

Kenzie 05-09-16 08:17 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by johnnyrod (Post 3053358)
Doesn't sound like it!

Tbh no I can't! Need to find a lens for the xgm at some point.

yokohama 06-09-16 08:09 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras

Originally Posted by Kenzie (Post 3053373)
Tbh no I can't! Need to find a lens for the xgm at some point.

What are you after?

Kenzie 06-09-16 11:02 AM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Either a 50mm or short zoom.

Sent from my Xperia T

yokohama 06-09-16 12:33 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I'll have a look in the shop up here later this week to see if they have anything suitable. There are usually boxes of 5/10/15 pound lenses with different mounts to browse through. I've a 35-70 f3.5/4.8 Minolta zoom which came with the X300s if you are interested but it's plastic bodied and less positively reviewed than the earlier fixed focal length model.

yokohama 06-09-16 01:45 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Is this worth a punt?

johnnyrod 06-09-16 06:02 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Not really different from others you have TBH

Kenzie 06-09-16 06:12 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I do like a good Yashica!

johnnyrod 06-09-16 06:42 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
True, and the Yashinon is said to be a very good design.

yokohama 06-09-16 06:44 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
I collected Sunday's pics today and this light leak is doing my head in. There's a contact print here. Enlarged, the leaks are easy to see.

The camera was taped up for the first 13 shots, then I took the tape off, which definitely made a difference, but not completely so light is getting in somewhere. Even on the early shots, there's fogging on the right hand side of the pic so there's still a leak though not as pronounced.
Again, I get the red streaks in pics 19/20/21 and then, like the previous film, the last 3 are clear
Any ideas on this one?

yokohama 06-09-16 06:46 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
With the Yashica, thinking creatively if I don't drink alcohol between now and next Monday, the camera will cost me nothing. I'll sleep on that thought.

Kenzie 06-09-16 06:52 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras
Pity it wasn't closer to me. Would have had that! Can you shine a very bright light onto the front of the camera and see what you can see? Would expected the leak to be orange though.

Kenzie 06-09-16 07:13 PM

Re: Vintage film cameras

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