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Bibio 03-07-18 03:49 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by garynortheast (Post 3088321)
Depression. Yesterday, really unpleasant sharp bout of it, exacerbated by an incident that occurred during the afternoon.
Sometimes it makes me want to scoop my brain out and leave it somewhere till it starts behaving again. :(

sounds more anxiety than depression. either way not good. the brain is a very complex thing and the slightest imbalance of the chemicals it requires can play funny beggars with it.

Craigg 03-07-18 04:19 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
meetings with US counterparts that run over.... i just want to go home!!!

SV650rules 03-07-18 04:39 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by maviczap (Post 3088330)
Either this, or it's because there are no consequences.anymore. If you crash it won't hurt much, thanks to all the tech in cars.

No prosecutions that mean much now.

Even if you kill someone, it's hard to get sent down these days.

So what does it matter, just a bit of inconvenience, with a good solicitor, you'll escape most charges, except drink/drug driving, as the evidence stands up.

Very disturbing report in our local paper (Shropshire Star) last Saturday about a car that swerved onto the wrong side of the road and killed a 67 year old motorbike rider. Happened at Aberhosan, Machynlleth in May last year, the car driver got a two year ban and 27 week suspended jail sentence, the car drivers solicitor said 'he was very ill and is wracked with guilt' - yeah maybe, but the totally innocent motorbike rider was killed instantly.

admin 03-07-18 06:53 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Seeker (Post 3088341)
When I bought my AL7, the owner and I talked about caring for a parent with dementia, my Dad had been diagnosed with mixed dementia (Alzheimer's and vascular). Peter, the owner, asked if I'd picked out a care home because there would come a time when I would not be able to cope. That time arrived today.

I miss my Dad but the person that I have put into a care home was not my Dad, I lost him to dementia over 3 years ago and I hate what that disease has done to the man that flew P47 Thunderbolts in the war, worked hard and conscientiously all his life and only admitted at the age of 75, that he never really liked his job but he had responsibilities to his family. Life isn't fair but this disease is brutal.

Here's a grainy pic of Dad's P47:

This is my Dad in younger, happier times:

The RAF taught him to fly in South Africa, when he was learning aerobatics, he looped but encountered some rough turbulence and thought he'd screwed up. His instructor laughed - his loop was so accurate he'd flown through his own slipstream which is unusual - the only "boastful" story my Dad ever told me.

My friend is going through the same with his father. Like you he said the man in the home is not the man he remembers and loved. Life is hard.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

maviczap 03-07-18 07:10 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Been there done that Seeker, although you've had it tough for 3 years. My mum was taken into care after fracturing her hip, which accelerated her dementia to the point she wasn't my mum anymore, well not the person I could have a rational conversation with.

However it is for the best, we couldn't have cared for her like the care home staff did for my mum for the last 7 months of her life. If you're happy with the home, then that's a load of stress off you. I viewed 3 and the last one was my choice.

Your dad looked like a top bloke, hold onto the good stuff

Littlepeahead 03-07-18 09:24 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Same here, mum has Picks disease, a rare form of dementia. And it can be passed on as it's caused by a faulty gene. So as will as dealing with her illness, I'm getting treated to see if I'll develop it too, and it usually comes on right about the age I am now.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

BanannaMan 04-07-18 01:02 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
My gripe of the day is this heat!
37 today with a heat index of 40.
Humidity is out the roof as well.
I need to live somewhere with a more moderate climate.

Sir Trev 04-07-18 10:09 AM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Gary - when you start feeling like that put your shorts on and take Mabel for a run. I had a bad patch with work about 15 years ago (terrible boss) and I found doing something outdoors like gardening or walking the dog was a nice way to re-balance.

Seeker - sound advice from the guys and gals on here who have been through it. My parents are mid seventies now and I'm keeping an eye out for signs they may be heading that way.

Bill - our heatwave is not much fun over here either. Although it is slightly cloudy today in Buckinghamshire and we *might* get a shower this afternoon.

One way to feel a bit different about our lot in life is to realise: Could be worse - I could have wandered into a cave in Thailand and been trapped there for weeks until I learned to scuba dive...

shiftin_gear98 04-07-18 03:07 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?
Chin up peeps - some of you sound like your going through it.
Keep smiling.

Or just go for a ride and scream like a raged loon into your helmet whilst doing triple figures.

Or maybe that just helps me....

garynortheast 04-07-18 04:31 PM

Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Sir Trev (Post 3088364)
Gary - when you start feeling like that put your shorts on and take Mabel for a run. I had a bad patch with work about 15 years ago (terrible boss) and I found doing something outdoors like gardening or walking the dog was a nice way to re-balance.


Running definitely helps Trev, hard physical activity generally too. Running with Mabel has been one of the things keeping me on a slightly more even keel for a while now. Unfortunately at the time that last bout came to kick me I had a minor heel problem and I know that if I'd run I would have had to wait even longer for it to sort itself. Running early tomorrow morning with Mabel and a running buddy though which should help to clear the head a little.


Originally Posted by shiftin_gear98 (Post 3088377)
Chin up peeps - some of you sound like your going through it.
Keep smiling.

Or just go for a ride a scream like a raged loon into your helmet whilst doing triple figures.

Or maybe that just helps me....

Indeed it sounds like a few people on here are having a bit of a tough time lately. For all of you, I hope things resolve and you have a better time of it soon.

The scream - definitely!!!

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