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CoolGirl 04-07-09 04:28 PM

Re: Medical advice please...

Alpinestarhero 04-07-09 04:36 PM

Re: Medical advice please...
Well to re-iterate what I said last night, don't use those spray things that dissolve ear wax (I suspect you have some kind of gung formed of water+ear wax blocking everything up) because they'll only end up burning the skin. Have you tried warm olive oil? It could be something behind the ear-drum, you might have an infection...have you any pain at all?

Go see the doctor as soon as you can...for all you know, it might be another bit of popcorn :lol:

Spiderman 05-07-09 12:44 PM

Re: Medical advice please...

Originally Posted by CoolGirl (Post 1962460)

Only when you shout, sadly :(

Still got 80% hearing in my rught ear and its really friggin annoyingGonna give the docs a call tomorrow and hope they can see me on the same day otherwise i may just take a ride up to A&E as i'm hoping its not gonna be too busy on a monday.

Miss Alpinestarhero 05-07-09 02:26 PM

Re: Medical advice please...
I already spoke to you on Friday but do try avoid A&E and just call your GP up tomorrow and get seen that day. Doctors surgerys generally keep morning appointments free for emergencies. My doctors accept calls for on-the-day-emergency appointments from 8am onwards. Maybe your local GP surgey will open that early?

Hopefully they'l be able to solve whatever it is..! It could be an ear infection so a course of antibiotics and ear-spray will do the trick.

Spiderman 06-07-09 04:55 PM

Re: Medical advice please...
Update for thos that wanted it :)

Went to the Docs this afternoon and he had a quick look. Turns out its wax. Phew, glads he didnt say ny brain was tryiong to escape and got caught in the narrow tubes or something at least.

However he wouldnt risk syringing it as i've had perforated ear drums before and he'd rather be safe than sorry so made an ENT referral for me...which could take up to 3 weeks!!! FFS dealing with this for a few days has been bad enough, now i may have to wait another 3 weeks :(

He also told me to stop using thr Sodium Bicarbonate drops ive been trying (thank you Shop Addict for that advice) even tho it was clearing it up for the same reasons as he wouldnt syringe it, could get thru the perforations and cause more problems in my inner ear etc.

might just keep using them tho, not sure. If i can use the drops and clear it up i'm saving NHS waitning list time etc is the good positve thinking bahind this, however do i wanna risk causing more problems for myself??? Hmmm.

Warthog 06-07-09 05:26 PM

Re: Medical advice please...
Can't he just pull it out? Same happened to my brother in Belgium. Bless their lack of health and safety, they doctor just got some tweezers and the ear scope thing and pulled the lump of wax out. My brother yelped but then suddenly he could hear, and we were all looking at this crescent moon-shaped piece of solid wax.

Spiderman 06-07-09 05:30 PM

Re: Medical advice please...
He said he'd rather leave it to the ENT specialist who will do just that by the sounds of it, cos the wont flush it out but will "suck" it out he said. She better be nice looking this ENT person, not letting a minger put her tongue in my ear. I have standards you know :lol:

Isn't that how they do it?

Did i hear him wrong? ;)

Cazza 06-07-09 07:58 PM

Re: Medical advice please...

Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 1964299)
Update for thos that wanted it :)

Excellent. Me.


Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 1964299)
Turns out its wax.

You can provide candles for the AR09 campfire singsong then.


Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 1964299)
Phew, glads he didnt say ny brain was tryiong to escape

No, I think that fell out along with your baffle at Brands last year didn't it? It would account for your cunsistantly bizar speerlling.


Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 1964299)
so made an ENT referral for me...which could take up to 3 weeks!!! FFS dealing with this for a few days has been bad enough, now i may have to wait another 3 weeks :(

3 weeks isn't bad. Waiting time at the RNTNE in town is over a month at the moment apparently.


Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 1964299)
He also told me to stop using thr Sodium Bicarbonate drops ive been trying

Yes, you should be using that to make scones. Or scones (depending on your pronunciation).


Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 1964299)
might just keep using them tho, not sure. If i can use the drops and clear it up i'm saving NHS waitning list time etc is the good positve thinking bahind this, however do i wanna risk causing more problems for myself??? Hmmm.

No, don't risk it. Please don't tell me that you're willing to put your health at risk for the sake of making a computerised automated booking system feel happy for a split second? Take Gary Barlow's advice - just try and have a little pay-shuunce.

Really feel for you though, Ziggy. Hope it all gets sorted soon. :smt056

Orpheus 06-07-09 08:38 PM

Re: Medical advice please...
How about an ear candle?


Never used one but they are for drawing wax out. It might work. Or it could destroy your eardrum. But its definately worth a try.

Spiderman 06-07-09 09:13 PM

Re: Medical advice please...

Originally Posted by Cazza (Post 1964531)
No, I think that fell out along with your baffle at Brands last year didn't it? It would account for your cunsistantly bizar speerlling.

nuthin rong wiv my speelings, me typoings on the otter hand are anudder story


Originally Posted by Cazza (Post 1964531)
Yes, you should be using that to make scones. Or scones (depending on your pronunciation).

I pronounce it the right way as you well know. Scones, see that was perfect.


Originally Posted by Cazza (Post 1964531)
No, don't risk it. Please don't tell me that you're willing to put your health at risk for the sake of making a computerised automated booking system feel happy for a split second? Take Gary Barlow's advice - just try and have a little pay-shuunce.

Aw but those poor automated systems need some love too dont they. Did you know the supercomputer that played against chess masters, when ht was retired it went on to be the booking system for some major airline. Now thats no way to end a gliitering career is it? Anything we can do to help them feel better is a good thing surley. (cue the computer geeks on here who'll know the name of the computer, the date it retired, its final salary pension and the name of the airline it went onto.)

And who the fek is Gareth Barlymow? I tried a little tenderness once but i found the commitment it required was too much.


Originally Posted by Cazza (Post 1964531)
Really feel for you though, Ziggy. Hope it all gets sorted soon. :smt056

Thanks hun. I'm feeling myself up too. Oh isn't that what you said? Its my hearing dont you know. I said ITS MY HEARING DONT YOU KNOW.


Originally Posted by Orpheus (Post 1964579)
But its definately worth a try.

Hmmm. Definately you say*wonders if a tealight would do the trick*

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