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Sir Trev 01-03-13 06:26 PM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
Having seen Mr L Pants' entry for the March compo I had a lookie in the menus on my phone. Blow me - there's a panorama setting on the Galaxy Ace as well. Never realised. Takes up to 8 shots. Now have a blurry panorama of my study as a trial run but cannot find the right cable to upload it to the 'puter... Will take some more while out walking the mutt tomorrow. I know my Canon came with a pany-sticher so I'll try them both back-to-back as a test. A fun challenge - hurrah!

punyXpress 01-03-13 10:10 PM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
Hey, Brettus
Looks a right (angle) knee- down corner on the tube!
Anybody had a bike down there? ;)

andrewsmith 01-03-13 10:17 PM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
Just found this on the phone, don't know weather to post it

Brettus 02-03-13 07:29 AM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread

Originally Posted by punyXpress (Post 2840622)
Hey, Brettus
Looks a right (angle) knee- down corner on the tube!

Hah yeah, it's hard to remember to adjust your perspective when you look at panoramics, that'd be awesome though, a full tubular tight corner :-)


Originally Posted by andrewsmith (Post 2840624)
Just found this on the phone, don't know weather to post it.

You have nothing to lose by posting now, you can always change your entry before the vote if you capture a better one later in the Month but I gotta say, I really like that one, I'm impressed at the detail it's picked up in the darker areas.

andrewsmith 02-03-13 08:01 AM

Cheers brettus
I'll put in later today as I'm on the mobile until the leccy comes back on

sent from a weapon of mass distraction

Sir Trev 03-03-13 06:16 PM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
I had a laugh taking some pannies today in London. I decided to walk up the eight million steps to the top of the Monument (to the Great Fire of London) but was disapointed to find mesh in the way. Could just get the lens through for individual shots but it ruined the intended purpose. Nice views and worth the walk however.

Had more luck on the way to Monument though. As it was Sunday morning Waterloo Bridge was almost empty so I stopped off there to try. Trouble is you can go almost 180 degrees from there so my entry is rather w-i-d-e to say the least. Could have chopped it but there were so many iconic buildings on both sides I could not resist cramming it full. Needed patience though as people just walk in front of you even when the rest of the pavement is empty (grrrrr) and on some of the attempts I got half a vehicle in shot when it stitched together.

As I said, a good laugh and in the end it was worth the effort, even if it was a bit hazy and the light was not perfect.

Brettus 27-03-13 09:23 AM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
I think photobucket (or other free hosting) didn't do some entries justice this month, (Notably Trev's as it has SO much in it) because of the pixel limitation (1024 wide I think)

Some cracking entries though and quite a few went out to take some just for this which is what I'd hoped for.

Just an aside on the voting thought process, being completely honest, does anyone else here skew their opinion a little?

Basically what got me thinking it is if all things were equal my favourite shot this month is LPH's its nicely proportioned, perfectly exposed and has vibrant colours which appeal to me personally.... BUT, I *KNOW* how capable she is so I'd mentally handicapped her (sorry that's an awful turn of phrase but what I mean is in my head I'd weighted her entry back a little (no disrespect intended LPH by doing this, quite the opposite!)) I just wondered if others do this with the more accomplished entrants (consciously or not perhaps now you think about it)

I hasten to add that it doesn't mean I won't vote for LPH (or any other advanced photographer) it just means they have to work harder for it.

Just wondering how others think of this and if I'm "wrong" in this then I'll change my thinking, I just wondered how others think.

(this introspection and self awareness may or may not have been brought on by yesterdays caffeine intake

Disclaimer: I reserve the right to apologise completely for any offence caused by being (perhaps TOO) honest but rest assured NONE is intended.

Sir Trev 28-03-13 05:10 PM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
That explains why it came out a biy fuzzy - thanks for that Brettus.

As to the vote-off nominations - I'd never considered favouring or dis-favouring (is that a word?) based on kit or ability. LPH's panorama was I agree really nice and I too loved the colour and clarity but my votes always go to the pic that I like, not the snapper.

Luckypants 04-04-13 10:06 AM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
A rather narrow and unexpected win there, thank you for the votes. April comp now up.

Richie 24-04-13 03:35 PM

Re: Photo Comp - Chat Thread
changed my entry for this month as took another photo @ beamish at the weekend ;)

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