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gruntygiggles 02-09-09 11:39 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by hovis (Post 2024047)
its £15per person for the weekend,

we are not going to make any money out of this, all money will be acounted for and any left will either go to the running of the org, or a charity chosen by everyone

dogs and kids free........ i think? we might have to charge 50p for the big horse dog as he takes up more room than most of us

We'd just provide giant poo bags and gloves so that Ophic doesn't get himself in a mess again!

Ed 02-09-09 11:49 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
That part of Wales really is excellent.

Wherever we go, is it time to recognise that, given the size of the likely attendance, a one size fits all approach is now getting inappropriate. Some will no doubt want to go fast. Some prefer a more sedate pace. Faster riders won't want to wait for slower ones, and slower peeps will feel pressurised into riding faster than they really want to. Should we have two starts?

Just a thought.


Binky 02-09-09 11:51 PM

Re: AR10 Chat
Have you got a route penned yet Hovis?

hovis 02-09-09 11:51 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Ed (Post 2024053)
That part of Wales really is excellent.

Wherever we go, is it time to recognise that, given the size of the likely attendance, a one size fits all approach is now getting inappropriate. Some will no doubt want to go fast. Some prefer a more sedate pace. Faster riders won't want to wait for slower ones, and slower peeps will feel pressurised into riding faster than they really want to. Should we have two starts?

Just a thought.



sorry to be blunt, but there is no need, plus its hard enough trying to sort 1 rideout, never mind 2,

that would get messy IMO

hovis 02-09-09 11:52 PM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Binky (Post 2024055)
Have you got a route penned yet Hovis?

indeed i have

i like it, but it neeeds aproving by the reccie team, which will be sooooon:smt039

Spiderman 03-09-09 12:11 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by Ed (Post 2024053)
That part of Wales really is excellent.

Wherever we go, is it time to recognise that, given the size of the likely attendance, a one size fits all approach is now getting inappropriate. Some will no doubt want to go fast. Some prefer a more sedate pace. Faster riders won't want to wait for slower ones, and slower peeps will feel pressurised into riding faster than they really want to. Should we have two starts?

Just a thought.


An issue that often comes up this one. The AR always has been and i hope always will be an event that is open to all comers, whether they've been riding for a week or 50yrs. Its always designed to be a fairly sedate bimble about so newcomers never feel excluded or out of their depth. The marker system we have in place ensures no one feels rushed and everyone can take as long as they like to get round without feeling pressured to keep up with those in front of them, safe in the knowledge that there will always be a marker ahead of them waiting to point them in the right direction and a Tail End Charlie behind them making sure they are OK and riding at a pace they feel comfortable with.

A few people always want to ride faster of course and there are bits on most ARs that allow for this, even if it is brief, or they can do as myself and a few
others did this year and stay and extra day and go for a ride with others who feel the same way on roads they are now also a little more familiar with.

Personally i feel the camaraderie of the ride part of the event would be lost if we had separated groups.

Tara 03-09-09 06:50 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
i gotta agree with Hovis from the other thread can we have it in June this time in 2008 it rained (July) June seems to get the better weather

Bluefish 03-09-09 06:59 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
hovis and gg, and anybody else thinking of putting up a proposal, you better book the weather now, in fact lets have it in southern spain cos weathers crap here, lol.

petevtwin650 03-09-09 07:12 AM

Re: AR10 Chat
Didn't think Hovis should be thinking of organising an AR as he's been stressing big time about the TT weekend coming up soon.

However the proposed site is pretty damn good, at first glance at least. With facilities for everyone from campers, to bunkhouse folk to own roomers. It's in a lovely location with,for us, a nice ride to it. Near a Motorway, but with excellent riding roads and superb scenery. Just the lunch stop to be organised. Somewhere with lots of eateries and preferably scenic or pleasant to stop at.

Good job guys :cool:

Oh yeah, and please not in the school holidays.

gruntygiggles 03-09-09 07:12 AM

Re: AR10 Chat

Originally Posted by bluefishman (Post 2024094)
hovis and gg, and anybody else thinking of putting up a proposal, you better book the weather now, in fact lets have it in southern spain cos weathers crap here, lol.

Good job we have a bar at our venue big enough to fit us all in with ease then just have to get voted in.

I can speak to the hotel again to ask about posible weekends in June as I asked about July/August, but he did say that the three weekend dates I've been given were the only ones available. I'll find out and we can let you know if and when the time comes that we are voted in.

As for the rideout, I think it would ruin the AR if we split the groups. I fully understand what Ed is saying, however.....The AR is an all inclusive event, as Spidey has said so eloquently. We must keep it that way and Hovis is working very hard on the route and ways in which it can be customised and changed if necessary to make the ride a comfortable one for all.

I too have mentioned the possibility of a Sunday ride and I really think that if people did that, they would get an even better experience of these incredible roads and whatever pace suits them.

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