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-   -   slightly surprised........ (

-Ralph- 04-10-11 11:51 AM

Re: slightly surprised........

Originally Posted by -Ralph- (Post 2608894)
Other posts finally picked up the bait on this thread then! Last time I looked at it it was just Rictus OP and Orose's reply.

I'll happily organise the next AR.

I'll tell you the date,
I'll tell you what campsite we are going to, and I'll even give you the phone number so you can book you own pitch,
I'll tell you what route we are riding,
If you need any other local facilites, I'll tell you exactly where to find them
And finally if you have any complaints, I'll tell you where to stick 'em!

So, did I get the job? ;-)

My post was obviously tongue in cheek, but it was intended to make a point.

Organisation of weekend rideouts needs a bit of a revolution on this forum.

There have been far too many instances of people putting their time forward, then getting slagged because they haven't chosen the right date, or location, or it's too far to walk to the pub.

There has also been a culture, perhaps created by the organisers themselves, they they are the providers, and they will provide... ie: there will be a range of accommodation options, there will be a range of food options, we will get our own field, the toilets will be less than 100yd walk, there will be wigwam and B&B options provided for the non-campers, etc, etc. It's become an organised event, not just a bunch of people camping in a field, getting ****ed and riding bikes.

It needs to break back down to basics, and the organisation be much simpler, much more like my post quoted above.

If somebody is not happy with the date, they don't go. If somebody is not happy with the camping facilities, they get the Yellow pages out and book a B&B. If they don't want to go to the nearest pub for food, they can find the nearest takeaway, or buy a disposable BBQ.

A facility provided during a weekend rideouts is something the organiser does out of the good of their own hearts for the benefit of all. It is something forum members are lucky to have to opportunity to partake in if they choose to, not something that forum members are entitled to be provided with. If you want to be entitled something on your weekend break, I suggest you go to, they'll provide all the facilities you need for a weekend, on the dates you want, in the location you want, in exchange for a few hundred quid.

These events shouldn't cost the organiser a lot of time, but they certainly shouldn't cost the organiser a penny, other than perhaps petrol money for recce's on the route and visiting potential campsites.

The rideout itself, route, TEC, markers, etc, should be the most difficult bit of it.

If your not happy with what the organiser has provided for you free of charge, don't attend. If you attend and your not happy with something, remember it wasn't something organised by a tour operator and paid for out of your hard earned.

If weekends got back to basics, and people realised that they are not 'entitled' to anything, then perhaps more people would be happier to step forward and organise them.

Skip 04-10-11 12:00 PM

Re: slightly surprised........

Originally Posted by -Ralph- (Post 2611468)
Stuff that makes a lot of sense

You have pretty much summed up my thoughts there Ralph - I said this in the EAR megathread...


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 2609082)
Sounds like a relaxed AR to me :smile:

As a side note I don't like the "Next years AR has GOT to be better than this years or you will get shot down in flames" kind of competition that has been going on this past few years. Its meant to be a fun weekend of socialising and riding your bike on roads you might not normally ride on. Just my 2p.

BernardBikerchick 06-10-11 10:31 AM

Re: slightly surprised........
i think its coz we weren't there !! hehehehehe xxxxx

awwwww come on you lopt chitta chatta about :)

where we off to next yaer then ?? beckenham ??

phil24_7 06-10-11 10:55 AM

Re: slightly surprised........
If I wasn't getting married next year, I may have been interested in cobbling something together, but alas, I wont have any time to sort anything out! I do think this years needs to have less democracy. Just tell us what you'll do and when, and we can all decide where we want to go. No bickering or arguing, just a decision to make.

sv4me 06-10-11 02:59 PM

Re: slightly surprised........
Anyone up for holding it in Southport? No? Didn't think so ;)

rictus01 13-10-11 01:23 AM

Re: slightly surprised........
I've revisted this thread to see whether anything constructive came out of it. it would seem not, indeed quit the reverse.......


Originally Posted by fizzwheel (Post 2608585)
maybe take a break from AR's and skip next years ?


Originally Posted by dizzyblonde (Post 2608603)
IMO, if you make a break from ARs for a year, they will never ever come back.

the AR is something special and IMO it's what makes the forum different from others I belong to, the name dictates the regularity and it would be a sad day if it was to fade away as I fear it might, I understand peoples reticence; suggestions of "taking a break" , quit frankly are far from helpful, it can be a large organizational undertaking, but the basics aren't hard, as has been the case the rideout has just been a focal point for a social weekend, there are a core of people that will attend just about anywhere and make it a priority, others it's far less, but as has been proved even the worst weather conditions can't put those people off that are determined to have a good time (2007 had gale and flood warnings 24hrs before), the point.... those that want to have a good time will make the effort.

I know over recent years the school holidays have precluded some from attending, which might be worth addressing, but as with the location the most important thing is to get something sorted as early as possible :smt102.

So from a practical perspective, although I've done my share in previous years, if anyone is out there and has had thoughts about sorting something out, but is a little overwhelmed by what might be involved, drop me a PM and I'll do what I can to help, or if that's asking to much, anyone with a decent campsite local to them they think might be suitable, once again, drop me a PM and I'll give them a call to see what can be arranged to get the ball rolling.

Cheers Mark

fizzwheel 13-10-11 07:46 AM

Re: slightly surprised........

Originally Posted by rictus01 (Post 2614795)
I understand peoples reticence; suggestions of "taking a break" , quit frankly are far from helpful

So hypothetically speaking what would your suggestion be if nobody steps forward to organise next years ?

I agree with you that it is important to the forum. Its something I know alot of people look forward to attending, I also agree that sorting out dates earlier is better as it allows for planning and booking time off work etc etc.

My concern is that if nobody willingly volunteers for it, somebody feels pressured into doing something that perhaps they dont want to do and then they dont put their heart and soul into it or they have a bad experience with it, which is what I was getting at by suggesting that "IF" there is nobody to organise AR12 that there isnt one. It was a suggestion thats all. To clarify I am not saying that is what will happen, because its not down to me. All I and the other mods do is run the forum, its not our job to organise how a social event such as this is planned and run.

Perhaps time ( I include myself in this ) to draw a line under what has happened in the past and move forward in a positive way with this now.

rictus01 13-10-11 08:28 AM

Re: slightly surprised........
a positive way, yeah that would be nice, no hypothetically anything, I've already offered my help and an avenue for those not wishing to become involved to forward their ideas, I'd dearly like to see other members get the chance to organise an AR, should no one come forward I'll sort out something as IMO it's important beyond just talk; I've currently no idea of location or date, but hopefully a PM or 2 might help in that respect, but if not I'll pick sometime/somewhere myself, it won't be the first time I've organized an AR either locally or way up country; only this time I'm not hampered by a full length cast on my leg, be it with or without "bells & whistles", I'll make sure an AR12 is available for those who want to attend, I'm aware there are less active mods than might be gleaned from the "forum leaders" section, perhaps that's something to be addressed ? I see no need to necessarily involve mods or exclude them for that matter, we're all individuals and perfectly able to make our own choice, where as someone might not feel they can commit to the whole thing, they would be willing to take on a smaller role, you're looking at it from a single or couple of people running it, perhaps a change is needed and involving more to a lesser extent is the way forward, but I firmly believe positivity gets things done, I may not get any help from those running the place, but would at least expect a positive attitude from them, if our "super mod" is saying there isn't one and it's not my job, possibily discouraging to those thinking about it and it's not really a helpful atmosphere is it ?

Cheers Mark.

maviczap 13-10-11 09:12 AM

Re: slightly surprised........

Originally Posted by phil24_7 (Post 2612285)
If I wasn't getting married next year, I may have been interested in cobbling something together, but alas, I wont have any time to sort anything out! I do think this years needs to have less democracy. Just tell us what you'll do and when, and we can all decide where we want to go. No bickering or arguing, just a decision to make.

Easy we'll have the AR at your wedding reception =D> Just add a few guests to the list ;)

BernardBikerchick 13-10-11 09:34 AM

Re: slightly surprised........
wrong section!

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