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garynortheast 22-12-17 08:50 PM

The running thread.
This is for all the runners of the org, of whom I suspect there are a fair number. Tell us about your runs, where you run, log your PBs, tell us what kit you use and why, what clubs or groups you run with etc. Pictures of run routes etc would be a bonus!

I started running just a bit less than 4 years ago when I was not far off of 60. I did a parkrun in Shrewsbury and was hooked. I run mostly trails/offroad and always with my running buddy, Mabel the lurcher. We run canix style with a specialised running belt, lead, and harness, and we've clocked up hundreds of miles together.

I've used various trail running shoes over the last 4 years, New Balance, Saucony, and currently a surprisingly decent pair of Karrimor shoes with a pretty aggressive outsole to cope with the very muddy conditions around here at the moment. I have one pair of little used Everlast road shoes which only ever get worn at Shrewsbury parkrun. These days when I do parkrun it tends to be at Erddig near Wrexham as it is pretty much all trail which suits me better than the hard paths in the Quarry at Shrewsbury.
My running clothing is a mix of Ronhill, Alpkit, Karrimor, Higher State, and Aldi(!), most of it budget/mid-priced stuff, but on the whole none the worse for it.

I have up until now used a variety of phone apps for tracking my runs, but have finally, after a few syncing problems, given in and acquired a second hand Garmin Forerunner 110. It's fairly basic but is efficient and does what I want from a tracking device. It was an ebay bargain, sniped for £18.30 posted. I've just set up Garmin Express on the PC and enabled it to sync automatically to Strava. I shall try it out for the first time on Sunday morning when Mabel and I go for a run with another canicrossng friend and her two dogs.

I know there are other runners out there so let's hear from you, I'm genuinely interested to know about other folks running activities, so post away!

Talking Heads 23-12-17 11:21 AM

Re: The running thread.
King Street Aberdeen outside Morrisons, nearly missed the number 1 bus to Garthdee, I must have been at least 50 yards away.

Red ones 23-12-17 03:12 PM

Re: The running thread.
I used to run. I wore running shoes and tight leg things. Did a half marathon a couple of years ago in a reasonable (I thought) time and then continued doing 5 or 10 km runs until one day I ran across the road for a bottle of ketchup at the local shop. Tore ligament and cartilage in my knee and been advised not to run again!


garynortheast 26-12-17 11:27 PM

Re: The running thread.
My usual 3.5 mile loop today.
Felt like I was carrying a lot of extra weight today, after yesterdays over indulgence, not helped by a climb of 370ft in the first half mile.
Still not a bad time in the end at 33.33, despite the muddy conditions.

garynortheast 01-01-18 03:37 PM

Re: The running thread.
Good start to the new year with a 10km run at the Chirk castle Trust10k. Really well attended event with a good number of other canicrossers running.
Haven't uploaded the result yet from my Garmin to Strava but it was around 50 minutes on a very muddy course.

We have a new local Canicross Powys group just started over here and it was good to meet up with a couple of the members at Chirk this morning.

garynortheast 04-01-18 08:53 PM

Re: The running thread.
Very muddy, slushy, slippery run last Friday 29th December. 5 miles of hard going just trying to stay upright, but enjoyable for all that!
muddyrun_dec29 (2)_rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr
muddyrun_dec29 (3)_rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr
muddyrun_dec29 (4)_rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr
muddyrun_dec29 (5)_rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr
muddyrun_dec29 (6)_rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr
muddyrun_dec29 (7)_rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr
muddyrun_dec29 (1)_rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr

shiftin_gear98 05-01-18 07:17 AM

Re: The running thread.
I went for a run last night - now I'm limping. D'oh.
It looks much nicer where you are running.

garynortheast 05-01-18 07:31 AM

Re: The running thread.
Are you running on trails or tarmac SG?

shiftin_gear98 05-01-18 08:30 AM

Re: The running thread.
Normally trails - last night was tarmac. First run in awhile - probably why the limp.

garynortheast 05-01-18 03:47 PM

Re: The running thread.
If it's muscular/tendon/ligament rather than skeletal try using some of these or the full leg versions.

When I first started running a few years back I suffered a series of leg injuries, mostly in my calves. These helped hugely to prevent any more injuries.

Wear them while you're running and leave them on for about half an hour afterwards.

Proper warm up/warm down before and after running helps too.

garynortheast 05-01-18 03:51 PM

Re: The running thread.
Back to the regular morning run today. Wet and muddy but still enjoyable, and I never tire of the views on the way round, especially from the higher ground.

garynortheast 06-01-18 04:36 PM

Re: The running thread.
Erddig parkrun again for me this morning in 25m19s. Can't really get anything approaching my pb of 23m02s at Shrewsbury parkrun as there are too many congestion points on the first 1.5 miles at Erddig parkrun. I do love running at Erddig though as it's mostly trails and doesn't punish my leg joints like tarmac.

garynortheast 10-01-18 11:53 AM

Re: The running thread.
Cold out this morning on my regular route but good to be out. Wish I'd taken a camera with me though as the views from the top of the allt were truly stunning. Sun rising over pinky orange topped puddles of mist in the valley.

garynortheast 16-01-18 11:49 PM

Re: The running thread.
Good parkrun at Erddig near Wrecsam last Saturday. Lots there, nearly 290 runners. I was the first one running with a dog to finish in 43rd place. Still didn't beat my pb for Erddig though....

shiftin_gear98 21-01-18 06:36 PM

Re: The running thread.
Finally got out this morning. 5 1/2 miles. Even snowed.

garynortheast 21-01-18 06:51 PM

Re: The running thread.

Originally Posted by shiftin_gear98 (Post 3081824)
Finally got out this morning. 5 1/2 miles. Even snowed.

Great stuff SG. You did better than me then.

Work and end of year accounts getting in the way currently, but hoping to get out with Mabel the lurcher tomorrow morning, with a friend and her two dogs. Be a slow one probably as she's recovering from a bout of pneumonia!

Do you use Strava to track your runs?

shiftin_gear98 21-01-18 09:43 PM

Re: The running thread.
No, I used to use map my run. But I got fed up lugging my phone around. Basically I have two loops from my house. Both around the 5 and a bit mile mark.

garynortheast 21-01-18 11:23 PM

Re: The running thread.
Know what you mean about the phone. I sniped a Garmin 110 for the grand price of £18 posted on ebay. Much better solution, lot less faffing about. I miss having the phone now though for the camera! I'll probably end up with a bumbag on again to carry the phone, especially on social runs.

garynortheast 22-01-18 11:28 AM

Re: The running thread.
First run since last Wednesday and not too shoddy a time, although looking at past runs on this route, I have one which is a whole minute faster. I have some work to do!

shiftin_gear98 22-01-18 11:58 AM

Re: The running thread.
That's a bit of a climb right off the bat.

garynortheast 22-01-18 03:51 PM

Re: The running thread.
It's a bit of a challenge! Good bit about it is that when I get to the top of that really sharp climb I have a really nice cruise across fairly flat, and quite springy ground for the next half a mile or so.
I'll take a picture of the serious bit next time I'm out.

shiftin_gear98 24-01-18 10:33 AM

Re: The running thread.
Got out for my first night run in I don't know how long last night. Only 3 miles but got to test my new slightly dazzling jacket the missus got me. Reacts to light, looks grey until shined upon then I practically glow. Still it worked as I was running down an unlit road when a car came the other way. They slowed down with plenty of time. Well worth looking like a freak. Could be a bit more breathable, as it was raining and I was still sweating. Still will help lose the extra pounds gained over the festive eatathon.

garynortheast 24-01-18 10:25 PM

Re: The running thread.
I've yet to do a nightrun but I've just bought one of these in preparation.
It's retina destroyingly bright on full power with an excellent penetration and spread of light, and, at £19, a bargain. It looks and feels very well made.

Hoping to get out for a run tomorrow morning with a canicross friend. She's bringing all three of her dogs down with her and we'll run with two dogs each on split running leads. She's fostering a rescued lurcher at the moment so I may have him to run with Mabel, my lurcher.

garynortheast 25-01-18 07:38 PM

Re: The running thread.
That hill! Or at least the steepest section of it. There's a quarter of a mile of less steep gradient behind me at this point, and another 150yds beyond the brow visible in the picture.

The dog in the picture is the collie known as Dangermouse. He's one of the two dogs belonging to my running companion, and regularly runs with us.
that_hill... (1)rszd
by garynortheast10002011, on Flickr

shiftin_gear98 25-01-18 09:00 PM

Re: The running thread.
Looks like a nice trail. Liking the look of that head torch too. I might have to get one of those.

garynortheast 25-01-18 10:57 PM

Re: The running thread.
Picture doesn't do the hill justice. It's about a 1 in 4 after the bridge! But you're right, it's a lovely trail. I'm spoiled living here as I walk out of my door and pretty much straight onto lots of this type of terrain.

The headtorch is excellent. It's really nicely balanced having the battery pack and a rear light at the back.

shiftin_gear98 26-01-18 06:01 PM

Re: The running thread.
Managed to squeeze a 5 mile loop in after work. Just got back before it was too dark. Mostly really muddy ploughed fields, with a couple of very boggy woods. Still cleared away the cobwebs.

shiftin_gear98 26-01-18 06:11 PM

Re: The running thread.
Just bought one of those head torches! Thanks for the link.

garynortheast 26-01-18 10:13 PM

Re: The running thread.
Great stuff, let us know how you get on with it. It took me a little while to figure out how to switch between modes i.e. main beam to coloured LEDs. Press and hold the switch.

The mud does make you work really hard, no chance of a pb on a route like that!

The run I took the picture of the hill on never got logged as dunderhead here forgot to set the Garmin going! Doh!

shiftin_gear98 27-01-18 10:01 AM

Re: The running thread.
Not sure if this'll work. Just joined Flickr. First attempt. Some pics I took this morning, whilst walking. But ran this last night.

shiftin_gear98 27-01-18 10:02 AM

Re: The running thread.
Almost, not sure how to see the photo and not the link.

garynortheast 28-01-18 01:41 AM

Re: The running thread.
Wow, that looks like a lot of muddy fun!

If you click on one of the small pictures in flickr, you'll get a full sized version on screen. At the bottom is the share icon (curved arrow), click on that and copy the bb code, then paste it into your post here.

shiftin_gear98 28-01-18 01:08 PM

Re: The running thread.
Managed to get out for my other 5 mile loop this morning. My eldest son (9) came out on his bike. We both got covered.

garynortheast 30-01-18 10:34 PM

Re: The running thread.
Late afternoon run on Monday.
Late afternoon run
by garynortheast

shiftin_gear98 31-01-18 07:22 AM

Re: The running thread.
I did a 5 1/2 mile night run last night. Alas head torch hasn't arrived yet. So nearly stacked it several times!
My legs aren't used to running in the evening, I didn't sleep great due to sore twitchy legs.

garynortheast 31-01-18 09:30 AM

Re: The running thread.
I must admit I normally run in the mornings but it was nice to get out at the end of the day on Monday. Going to do the same today.

We have a social run of about 5 to 7 miles on Sunday which I've organised for our newly formed Powys Canicross group. It's our first gathering and there should be half a dozen of us with dogs on a route I've got planned. I'm hoping to to a pre- run recce of the route on Friday morning. I'll make sure I get some pictures of the gathering and run.

shiftin_gear98 01-02-18 06:50 PM

Re: The running thread.
Gamma 3 arrived. Looks pretty good, hopefully my burnt out retinas will repair themselves shortly and I'll be able to see again. Very happy with it, thanks for the link. Now just need to test it.

garynortheast 01-02-18 07:27 PM

Re: The running thread.

garynortheast 02-02-18 10:12 AM

Re: The running thread.
Just ran part of the route we're doing on Sunday. Missed out the muddiest bit today, we'll save that for the actual event. 6.27 miles today which means the full route will be about 8.5 miles.

shiftin_gear98 02-02-18 06:27 PM

Re: The running thread.
It does look nice in your part of the world.
Having just run my 5 mile loop in the pitch black I can conclude that I like that light.
Even if it doesn't help keep away thoughts of the Blair Witch whilst running through a wood on your own in the dark. It did however stop me tripping over everything.
It had the benefit of making my jacket really glow. Yeah I couldn't have hidden from the witch even if I'd tried.

So to review it.
£19.00, including postage and batteries. Bargain.
Fits really well, once you've actually adjust it properly. Easy to operate. Rear light is really bright.
Front main beam is really good for running speeds would struggle at pushbike speeds, but then it's not designed for that.
In the real world it's not epic bright, but then you'd just dazzle everyone. At one point in total darkness I wished it cast a beam just a little further (I was running down a very muddy hill).
My only slight negative and it doesn't really put me off loving this light. Is that the light beam is a little flat, it lights objects up, but doesn't really give depth to them. However a field of mud is still a field of mud even with depth.
So for £19.00 it's worth every penny.
Got to test the waterproofing too as it ****ed down.

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