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Quiff Wichard 06-10-09 12:47 PM

so who was best at Cadwell then
I hear tell of a man they call spiderman who is prophessing to be a wheelie king from here on in. :notworthy:

us up Norf dont pop in here that often so we wasn't aware you were all away .. lucky lucky people.

Quiff Wichard 06-10-09 01:19 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
thought so

Spiderman 06-10-09 01:21 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
Hey Quiff, its was only 6 of us who broke free from the chains that london throws on us and decided to venture into that scary area called Up North. And on a day when it rained cats on dogs down south we had warm sunshine.

Cazza's new has now gone from Queen of Lean to Woman of Wheelies after her awesome front air antics.

Poor old treacle manage to get a screw in his rear tyre early in the day :( and the tyre is only a day old at this point, sucks dont it.

i;m not gonna break my arm patting myself on the back so i'll wait till the others who witnessed my awsomeness get online and tell you all the tall tales of my skillz* instead :)

If anyone mentions me visiting a grass section of the track just remember that i planned it that way, ok ;)

jambo 06-10-09 01:45 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
Zig was great, it took that little bit longer to catch him up and get past him... :D

rictus01 06-10-09 01:47 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
the camera never lies*

Cheers Mark.

*where's photoshop....

Quiff Wichard 06-10-09 02:07 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by jambo (Post 2054834)
Zig was great, it took that little bit longer to catch him up and get past him... :D

hee hee class !

_Stretchie_ 06-10-09 02:09 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 2054799)
If anyone mentions me visiting a grass section of the track just remember that i planned it that way, ok ;)

Manz got dem offroadin skillz 2


Spiderman 06-10-09 02:10 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
You see, i told you i was amazing didnt i?

Fizzy Fish 06-10-09 02:17 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
Actually I was by far the fastest - so quick in fact that I bet you didn't even see me*

* nothing at all to do with the fact that I wasn't actually there...i did ride very fast on a horse later on though if that counts? :rolleyes:

Littlepeahead 06-10-09 02:39 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
That's nothing - you should have seen the speed I went round Sainsburys with a full trolley. Now that takes real skill.

So where are the photos then?

Spiderman 06-10-09 02:42 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
You went round Cadwell on a horse FF? Now that i'd like to see :lol:

Photos should be up in a day or 2, i believe mark too in excess of 700 on the day and a bit of video too. Seems the video may have missed my awesome double wheelie over the mountain tho :(

rictus01 06-10-09 02:45 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
trip photo's are Here.

But as the track ones number near 1,200, patience will be needed.

Cheers Mark.

_Stretchie_ 06-10-09 02:55 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 2054895)
Seems the video may have missed my awesome double wheelie over the mountain tho :(

Both wheels eh???


Spiderman 06-10-09 02:58 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
may have been something like this

I say may but in all probability mine was much much better ;)

_Stretchie_ 06-10-09 03:04 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 2054910)
may have been something like this

I say may but in all probability mine was much much better ;)

Of course it was sweetheart


Fizzy Fish 06-10-09 03:44 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 2054895)
You went round Cadwell on a horse FF? Now that i'd like to see :lol:

sounds like you could have done with riding one of those given your grass-tracking explioits!


Originally Posted by Spiderman (Post 2054910)
may have been something like this

I say may but in all probability mine was much much better ;)

clearly yours will have included a superman double seat grab at the very least ;)

Spiderman 06-10-09 03:45 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
Look, i'be told you a gazillion times i dont exaggerate. I must have had at least 6feet of air under my rear tyre but Rictus missed clicking the shutter he was so in awe of the skillz.

And i do do the boring old Superman, i do my own patented Spiderman move of course.

Involves so much air time that i plant all 8 of my limbs on various parts of the bike one by one and still have time to throw in a double back flip.

i'm not allowed to do that in the open air tho without getting permission from the nearest Air Traffic Control tower cos of the amount of time i spend in the air :)

_Stretchie_ 06-10-09 03:51 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
You been at the crack pipe again??

Fizzy Fish 06-10-09 03:56 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by _Stretchie_ (Post 2054979)
You been at the crack pipe again??

do you have to ask??

Spiderman 06-10-09 04:06 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
Oi. I aint smoked crack in years i'll have you know.

jambo 06-10-09 04:33 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
On a lighter note once we'd hobbled Treacle's ZX10 with that nail Zig found, everyone else was of quite a similar pace, which meant I got to spend part of most sessions riding with my mates :D


Treacle 06-10-09 05:01 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by jambo (Post 2055041)
On a lighter note once we'd hobbled Treacle's ZX10 with that nail Zig found, everyone else was of quite a similar pace, which meant I got to spend part of most sessions riding with my mates :D


:smt019You cheeky little bleeders! lol

Quiff Wichard 06-10-09 11:13 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then
hee hee - you guys..

I dnt see bear boasting of any exploits.. cazza ace wheelie in Rictus' pics.. beat that spidey

Cazza 07-10-09 06:04 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by Quiff Wichard (Post 2055899)
cazza ace wheelie in Rictus' pics.. beat that spidey

Aw, fanx Quiff!

That was the second one I did.

After the first one (which was a bit smaller) - which was my first wheelie ever - I shouted "woo-hoo" inside my lid and punched the air. I was so excited. But it must have made me look like a right loser to all the people watching at the side - ha ha!

monkey 08-10-09 07:26 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by Quiff Wichard (Post 2056790)
So who was best at Cadwell then?

I think you'll find that'll be me Quiffy.

jambo 08-10-09 07:30 PM

Re: so who was best at Cadwell then

Originally Posted by monkey (Post 2058064)
I think you'll find that'll be me Quiffy.

I'm Spartacus!:smt003


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