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ophic 06-06-17 08:59 PM

Crunchy helmet cam footage
My recent off, for anyone interested.

Observations, braking skill and judgement seemed to escape me for a few fateful seconds. Oh and excuse the expletive.

But I did get back on my feet like a pro :smt003

DarrenSV650S 06-06-17 09:07 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Ouchers. That happened quickly. Did you hit the van?

Hope you're ok

ophic 06-06-17 09:13 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
yeah my bike did. I managed to miss it personally. Just been watching in slow motion - must have been by millimetres!

DarrenSV650S 06-06-17 09:20 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Yeah you don't even see it hit. I did the same thing a couple years ago while filtering. What is your opinion on who is to blame?

ophic 06-06-17 09:29 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S (Post 3070737)
Yeah you don't even see it hit. I did the same thing a couple years ago while filtering. What is your opinion on who is to blame?

Not entirely sure. He did turn across my right of way and he's supposed to check it's clear before doing so. I believe one of the drivers flashed him to go.

But clearly I should have spotted the junction & gap in traffic. I completely didn't see it. I know this road - I do it every day.

So I'll relax and let the insurance handle it. At least there's not as much frustration over witnesses giving bad accounts etc when there's actual footage.

Bibio 06-06-17 09:49 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
i'll play devils advocate here.

way too fast acceleration in a bus lane. gap at junction so expect vehicles turning. obscured view due to lorry. your own fault.

what i dont understand was how well you were doing up until then with being cautious of the van and car with their indicator on.

put it down to a momentary lapse of reasoning.

glad your ok.

ophic 06-06-17 10:55 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Whilst all true, I wasn't speeding so I'm not sure how it'll go for the insurance. In theory he's not supposed to cause someone with right-of-way to have to adjust their course or speed.

PyroUK 07-06-17 06:18 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by ophic (Post 3070738)
But clearly I should have spotted the junction & gap in traffic. I completely didn't see it. I know this road - I do it every day.

Don't feel too bad mate, this is something every single driver and rider does subconsciously, you go in to auto pilot on your regular routes. The commute, route to your mates, etc.

You're aware of your surroundings but simple things just pass you by. No one remembers all their regular routes unless something particularly odd happens.

It's human nature.

Good thing is you're alright and judging the the timing and angle lucky you weren't under the van!

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ophic 07-06-17 06:28 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by PyroUK (Post 3070743)
Good thing is you're alright and judging the the timing and angle lucky you weren't under the van!

Very lucky. In fact if he'd spotted me at all and hit his brakes, I'd probably have become better acquainted with his passengers.

I'm remarkably uninjured. I do need a new jacket and trousers though so shows what proper kit does. Oh and a new front end :(

Geodude 07-06-17 07:03 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Ouchie :( glad you are ok.

Blapper 07-06-17 10:45 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Yep. Fraid I'm with Bibio. Looked like a sudden rush of blood to the head coupled with slow reflexes. Sorry.

I hope for better from the insurance for you though.

ophic 07-06-17 11:03 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by Blapper (Post 3070763)
Yep. Fraid I'm with Bibio. Looked like a sudden rush of blood to the head coupled with slow reflexes. Sorry.

I hope for better from the insurance for you though.

Do bear in mind that action cams have a very wide-angle lens. Distances and speed appear exaggerated.

SV650rules 07-06-17 12:32 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
This is why 'undertaking' on the road is so closely related to 'undertaker' LOL Passing traffic on left is always a bit dodgy as people don't expect it, and van driver may have been looking for a bus but not something smaller. Glad you are OK.

Best summed up as Sh!t happens !

ophic 07-06-17 12:53 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by SV650rules (Post 3070769)
This is why 'undertaking' on the road is so closely related to 'undertaker' LOL Passing traffic on left is always a bit dodgy as people don't expect it, and van driver may have been looking for a bus but not something smaller. Glad you are OK.

Best summed up as Sh!t happens !

I'm guessing he might have seen a bus but taxis, motorcycles and cyclists are all allowed to that bus lane. Most drivers are very careful about crossing them.

This guy I think just went on a headlight flash from a queuing driver without actually looking to see if it was clear.

Not that I'm defending the lack of self-preservation instinct that seems to have overcome me at that particular moment.

Chris_SVS 07-06-17 01:08 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
In the world of cyclists we have a saying, "No point being dead right if you're right and dead"

ophic 07-06-17 01:15 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by Chris_SVS (Post 3070774)
In the world of cyclists we have a saying, "No point being dead right if you're right and dead"

I'm familiar with the saying, and agree with it fully.

Talking Heads 07-06-17 05:10 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
The type of accident you've had is one which bus drivers are always wary of, vehicles will regularly turn through these "keep clear" gaps even if there's a chuffing great double decker coming towards them, so always approach with caution when there's stationary traffic in the outside lane.

Before you passed the red plumber's van, you can see the white minibus through the gap between the van and the lorry, so you should perhaps have anticipated the possibility it could appear in front of you?

And yes, I'm a bus driver :)

Dave-the-rave 07-06-17 05:58 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Bus lanes. Dodgy. Slowly slowly.

ophic 07-06-17 06:48 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Thanks for advice folks. I've kinda already stated I know where I went wrong. I'm not some green teenager, I know better and I'm really quite annoyed at myself right now. By all means keep posting advice; I'm just saying, I know.

Teejayexc 07-06-17 07:40 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by Chris_SVS (Post 3070774)
In the world of cyclists ......

Ah yes, that utopian world where nothing seems to be in colour. Traffic lights, cross hatching on the roads, Belisha beacons, even the flashing lights of emergency vehicles all appear to fade into the same strip of Tarmac ( usually about two foot in front of them), that your average cyclist deems to think they own.

Oh, and as for sounds in this brave new world, nothing can be heard except the repetitive beat of 'I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like' in their iPod headphones!

Chris_SVS 07-06-17 08:02 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
^ok 8-[

SV650rules 07-06-17 08:14 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Absolutely non of the highway code applies to cyclists, well that's their story and they're sticking to it.

Chris_SVS 07-06-17 08:36 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
There are some poor road users out there in/on all modes of transport I consider myself to be responsible and law abiding.

DomP 07-06-17 08:47 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
I applaud you for having the guts to put this video up knowing you may get an ear bashing, I think it's an invaluable thing for comparatively new riders like me to see. Who knows this video may even save someone from a similar incident or worse.


Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

ophic 07-06-17 09:01 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
No point having a helmet cam if you can't post clips of yourself doing really stupid things :)

DomP 07-06-17 09:03 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
I got an sj4000 for Christmas but still haven't used it partly due to my shocking indecision on where to mount in which will be followed by the next indecision of how to mount it

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

yokohama 08-06-17 05:02 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by DomP (Post 3070836)
I got an sj4000 for Christmas but still haven't used it partly due to my shocking indecision on where to mount in which will be followed by the next indecision of how to mount it

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

While you're thinking, get a chest harness for under a tenner to try it out. Main problem is the battery life so for longer trips, it needs connecting up to a charger

Talking Heads 08-06-17 08:00 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by ophic (Post 3070835)
No point having a helmet cam if you can't post clips of yourself doing really stupid things :)

Its good that you realise your mistake.
Regularly analysing your footage to try and find out what you could have done better is a real value of recording footage.

All too often I've seen videos posted and the rider claims the other person is entirely at fault, they don't like it when you point out their error(s) and it can degenerate into unpleasantness.

ophic 08-06-17 09:04 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by Talking Heads (Post 3070849)
All too often I've seen videos posted and the rider claims the other person is entirely at fault, they don't like it when you point out their error(s) and it can degenerate into unpleasantness.

This often results from 2 people talking about 2 different things.

There's "what you could have done better to predict/avoid/handle the accident" which is normally general good driving/riding practice.

Then there's "who caused the accident" which is who broke the rules causing the situation to arise.

Just because a biker doesn't want to crash and therefore (normally! :p) takes every reasonable precaution to avoid other drivers doing stupid and illegal things, does not excuse other drivers from doing these stupid and illegal things in the first place.

So being "not at fault" doesn't mean your riding is perfect and there's nothing you could have done better.

Talking Heads 08-06-17 09:20 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
That's a very good summation Ophic
I hope you get the bike fixed up soon and get back on the road. :)

ophic 08-06-17 09:27 AM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Thanks although it's an old bike so i'll most likely have to do all the fixing myself, otherwise it'll be a write off and then some.

Until then I get to ride this: by Bob Goddard, on Flickr


ophic 09-06-17 08:55 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
OK that killed the thread lol. No-one talk to the guy with the fake Harley.

Talking Heads 09-06-17 10:46 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Its a better bike than a harley.
Shaft drive, drum brake, me like ��

Blapper 11-06-17 06:00 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
If you absolutely HAVE to ride one, they aren't too bad... ;)

DomP 11-06-17 06:01 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Hope you've got tassels on your leathers!

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maviczap 11-06-17 06:02 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by Blapper (Post 3071134)
If you absolutely HAVE to ride one, they aren't too bad... ;)

Just make sure you're wearing your Sons of Anarchy gear, tasseled jacket and arseless chaps ;)

DomP 11-06-17 06:03 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
Beat you

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maviczap 11-06-17 06:08 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by DomP (Post 3071137)
Beat you

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Only on the tassel's, you didn't mention arseless chaps :p

DomP 11-06-17 06:09 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage
True, couldn't bring myself to type it

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

ophic 11-06-17 07:33 PM

Re: Crunchy helmet cam footage

Originally Posted by DomP (Post 3071135)
Hope you've got tassels on your leathers!

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Yeah I have actually. Mainly thanks to that minibus.
Lucky for me the @rse hasn't entirely worn through.

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