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rictus01 27-02-09 02:58 PM

following a conversation with a friend, got me thinking.

I find myself more and more retreating into a world of my past life, bringing up an image of a bike ride across the alps, a bike meet in the 70's or trips to different countries, people ,places, a body that worked, youth, makes me smile, thankfully that still works.

Perhaps I have more time than most or less reason to contenplate the here and now, who knows.

just wondering is it an age thing, or injury thing, or just me :smt102.

Cheers Mark.

DanAbnormal 27-02-09 03:01 PM

Re: memories
A bit of all three I'd say Mr Rictus. Memories are funny things, they comfort us yet was the reality of that time and place as enchanting as our mind makes it?

rictus01 27-02-09 03:07 PM

Re: memories
Hmmm hard one to answer, although having revisited a few of the places they have lost a great deal of the charm they once held, and of course people of a time and place can't be replicated.

I done most of the european superbike rounds back in the 80's and it was nothing like it is today that's for sure.

Cheers Mark.

DanAbnormal 27-02-09 03:10 PM

Re: memories
That's why I hold memories so dear. Nothing can recreate those exact circumstances that made a situation so memorable. For example, me and my lovely wife got married in Novemeber 2006 in Barbados and 25 of our friends/family came with us. It was the best 3 weeks of my life and there was talk recently of going back. I think it would almost take away from the wonderful memories to go back and it certainly would not be as we remembered it. Maybe not, maybe I'm just a bit soft in the head these days. :)

sam_p2000 27-02-09 03:12 PM

Re: memories
Even at my age (22) in a stable relationship of 4 years with a carreer, there are songs, places and people who make me smile about my mid teenage years.

I long to be able to have the wreckless fun we did on scramblers in local woods, camping in strange places with nothing but a mates paintball gun and a pair of walkie talkies to keep us entertained. Attempting to 'race' eachother and other bikes/cars on our mopeds, and wasted afternoons in the sun on half college days. :rolleyes:

Its not an age thing, it is in my opinion one of the greatest gifts and signs that you have enjoyed those moments. A reminder that life is there to be lived and made the most of each day! Ooh how profound! :wink:

Dappa D 27-02-09 03:14 PM

Re: memories 27....have a job, bike, lovely mrs, wicked 10 month old son and pretty much all good.....

i still sometime remember my years working in cyprus and italy and find myself wanting to be back there.....even tho im totally contented now....memories are great..just dont stop making new ones!

keithd 27-02-09 03:15 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by Dappa D (Post 1801452)
....memories are great..just dont stop making new ones!

what a sickening cliché !!

but absolutely 100% correct tho :D

rictus01 27-02-09 03:28 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by Dappa D (Post 1801452)
just dont stop making new ones!

perhaps that's it, my passport is 11 years out of date,although I've applied for a new one, and I live a fairly enclosed life these days, everyday is hard work and I'm tired, brief things come along I enjoy and if it wasn't for bikes I'd be up a clock tower with a snipers rifle like a shot...:wink:

maybe being told what you can manage and actually living it takes more time :smt102

Having been goal driven all my life I find it extremely difficult to except my current limitations.

Dappa D 27-02-09 03:33 PM

Re: memories
when that passport arrives mate just go somewhere...anywhere abroad...europes easy...dont know ur situation but if its with a mrs or without, if its for 2 weeks or 2 days just get out there and do something...i know its easily said but thats what id do....AR's not tooooo far away in the grand scheme of things!

Kate Moss 27-02-09 03:35 PM

Re: memories
Im looking forward to making new memories. I seem to focus on the bad ones and it's about time I made some happy ones.

Although my short term memory has been really bad lately....

what was the question again??!!

With so much cr*p in the world, i wouldn't blame anyone for reminissing about happer times.

plowsie 27-02-09 03:37 PM

Re: memories
The day I clear my loans and have access to my full salary will be a day to remember.

Dappa D 27-02-09 03:38 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by plowsie (Post 1801478)
The day I clear my loans and have access to my full salary will be a day to remember.


Mej 27-02-09 03:40 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by Kate Moss (Post 1801475)
Im looking forward to making new memories. I seem to focus on the bad ones and it's about time I made some happy ones.

Although my short term memory has been really bad lately....

what was the question again??!!

With so much cr*p in the world, i wouldn't blame anyone for reminissing about happer times.

Too much wacky backie!!! :smt025

Kate Moss 27-02-09 03:41 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by J2UK (Post 1801483)
Too much wacky backie!!! :smt025

or not enough!!!:p

Mej 27-02-09 03:53 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by Kate Moss (Post 1801485)
or not enough!!!:p

Could be:D, my short term memory is non existent!!! :confused:

missyburd 27-02-09 03:59 PM

Re: memories
My memory is crap, think it's because I moved house a lot as a kid, apparently that affects memory. I have to take so many photos to capture those moments I don't want to forget. I spend so much time just looking back through them, got so many that make me smile and remind me of the good times, I've had the odd few :-)

vixis 27-02-09 04:04 PM

Re: memories
ooo, that could explain it then. I think we moved 5 times in one year once. Mind you, if I took pics I would only forget where I put them...! Smells are the things that flash memories up for me.

And speaking of which, this is a funny buy:

missyburd 27-02-09 04:07 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by vixis (Post 1801532)
Smells are the things that flash memories up for me.

Yeah same here. I once walked down a street and smelt what I could have sworn was the exact same laundry detergent that was used at my first primary school, so weird!

Ed 27-02-09 04:44 PM

Re: memories
The other side of the coin.

I did not have a happy childhood and my teenage years were little better. You'd be surprised at the abuse that went on behind the doors of what looked like an affluent London suburban household. I still wonder whether I see things darker than they really were. I repeatedly come to the conclusion that I don't and that my bitter memories of my father - still so raw after 40 years - are deserved and justified.

Funny really, because it got so bad not that long ago that I had counselling for it. The counsellor encouraged me to confront these issues so I could relax about them, but I can't, and so I try not to think about them, but I can't do that either, so I go round in circles.

Life only got better when I left for good in 1982, aged 21. I should have done it years before - I had the chance to emigrate to the USA, I turned it down. Ah well:rolleyes:

anna 27-02-09 05:01 PM

Re: memories
.. thats very interesting that memory is attached to moving. Is that really true??? short term memory is rubbish. :rolleyes:

I think that if you have been through some harsh times it makes you turn inwards more then most others. Perhaps an escape from what is going on in your surroundings and finding a happier place.

There are some memories that I have that I sincerly wish I could erase. Sadly memory doesnt work that way and the only way to deal with them is to find a positive angle to them.

Mark I think you more then most have lived to the max and so your memories are going to be plentiful. :grouphug:

Mej 27-02-09 05:11 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by anna (Post 1801666)
.. thats very interesting that memory is attached to moving. Is that really true??? short term memory is rubbish. :rolleyes:

I think that if you have been through some harsh times it makes you turn inwards more then most others. Perhaps an escape from what is going on in your surroundings and finding a happier place.

There are some memories that I have that I sincerly wish I could erase. Sadly memory doesnt work that way and the only way to deal with them is to find a positive angle to them.

Mark I think you more then most have lived to the max and so your memories are going to be plentiful. :grouphug:

+1 everyone goes through bad times, some worst than others, i think thats why some people turn to drink/drugs, i know a few people who have done this, some recovered and some are still at it.

keith_d 27-02-09 05:20 PM

Re: memories
Damn, I think there's another cliche coming...

Of course we mostly remember the good bits. The boring days and most of the crap bits get forgotten. Otherwise we'd all be quite mad.... gibber, gibber...


Mej 27-02-09 05:32 PM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by keith_d (Post 1801701)
Damn, I think there's another cliche coming...

Of course we mostly remember the good bits. The boring days and most of the crap bits get forgotten. Otherwise we'd all be quite mad.... gibber, gibber...


Did something about it in Psychology where if you actually think about it most of the things you can remember well from childhood are things related to trauma, apparently trauma inprints things on the mind.

An example would be 9/11 most people can remember what they were doing when they found out about it. Or pain related things.

Although for instance my christmases were good when i was younger i cant really remember too many of the earlier ones.

vixis 28-02-09 09:58 AM

Re: memories

Originally Posted by Ed (Post 1801612)
The other side of the coin.

I did not have a happy childhood and my teenage years were little better. You'd be surprised at the abuse that went on behind the doors of what looked like an affluent London suburban household. I still wonder whether I see things darker than they really were. I repeatedly come to the conclusion that I don't and that my bitter memories of my father - still so raw after 40 years - are deserved and justified.

Funny really, because it got so bad not that long ago that I had counselling for it. The counsellor encouraged me to confront these issues so I could relax about them, but I can't, and so I try not to think about them, but I can't do that either, so I go round in circles.

Life only got better when I left for good in 1982, aged 21. I should have done it years before - I had the chance to emigrate to the USA, I turned it down. Ah well:rolleyes:

Not surprised Ed, but sorry to hear you experienced it. My Dad was also an *expletive*. I say that makes us stronger, even though its a sucky way to do it, and we end up with more compassion for others :)

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