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Alpinestarhero 06-07-08 12:43 PM

AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Hi again everyone!!! It was the best weekend of my life - it all started when me and maria headed off to the campsite, it was great riding down the A303, so many brillian views! Dan (WRC 63) and Caz were very chatty and great to talk to when we arrived and I was putting up the tent, me and maria felt welcome straight away and I knew we made the right desicion to come to the AR08.

It was great to be able to meet everyone me managed to say "hi" to - regretably, we didnt get around to everyone, so for those we didnt see I hope to meet you guys in the future!

Alot of people know on here I don't like dogs, but wehn samnooshka arrived I made an extra special effort to go say Hi to her and to meet Lupo and Mina. Sam, I love your dogs :D they are great. Lupo is still a bit intimidating to me, being so strong, but I'm not scared of him, and Mina is just awesome, I was instantly comfortable with her. It was a great experiance to be able to feel comfortable around dogs, and I hope I'll get to see you and the dogs again soon sam :D

The rideout on saturday was the best ever time I've had on my bike, and maria will admit it was the best pillion ride she's ever had! It was brilliant being in the company of so many bikes and so many great riders, everyone behaved excellently. The image of seeing the bikes ahead of me going round corners ahead will stick with me forever, it was like I was a spectator, but I got to have a go at the cornering myself! I was initially very worried I wouldnt be able to keep up - well, I suprised myself! The pace was comfortably fast for me and maria, I had a great time and although I found it difficult to overtake (thanks everyone for being considerate when you passed me) the bike was excellent. 33 bhp may not be alot, but keep that engine spinning between 5000 and 7500 rpm, and its enough to have a bloody fantastic time.

Right, special mention number 2: Pete and Lissa. Thanks for scaring me EVERY TIME YOU CAME PAST!!!! Not that your riding was bad or whatever, just that your SV is so loud!!!!! :D:D Even maria could hear it with her hearing aids out!!! It was great to watch you riding pete, great to see how confident you are with lissa on the back, everything. What a treat!! I look forward to the next time you come past me, make me jump then make me giggle and cheer as you blast away and display those great riding skills.

A big thanks to the leader, the tail-end-charlie and all the group markers for the ride out. They did a fantastic job - I'm sorry if i got in your way at any time chaps, specialy going up that big hill where the gun range was. Now, who dropped their bike in the bush...? :p

I was properly tired when we got back, not to mention soaked (as we all were!). Hindsight is a great thing, and we realyl should have put on our waterproofs. So much for lissa's prediction that it would all blow over :rolleyes::D

Special Mention Number 3: My SV. It didnt miss a beat all weekend, and showed its capability to deliver big thrills, munch big miles and provide big smiles to me and maria. I've always been of high praise, but I've never done so much riding in so many differant conditions before, and my bike took it all in its stride. Next week I loose the restrictors, and the bike should be much better for overtaking and covering long distances at high speeds. But never once did I complain about my lack of power on the rideout was the perfect excuse to rev the engine hard and enjoy that V-twin thunder :D

We apologise for not sticking around to say bye to everyone, but it was so miserable this morning that I just wanted to get up and go. The rain on the return journey was terrible, and me and maria got so cold...but we remained happy.

So, everyone....

....The alpinestarhero's will see oyu at AR09 - and hopefully, maybe, see at least some of you again before then!!

Ooo, just before we shut up - if anyone has any pictures of us (campsite and rideout), could they PM me and let me know? I'll provide my email address for you to send them to. Thanks!

Matt and Maria, the alpinetsarhero's :D:D\\:D/:smt035:queen::king:

chasey 06-07-08 12:48 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Awesome write up dude.

Glad you had a good time. Hopefully I will be able to make it next year!

tanis34 06-07-08 12:57 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
sounds like i missed out on a hoot ( thanks work:mad:) glad you all enjoyed it and im glad that your working through your phobia of dogs matt it just takes time and just being near dogs is a good first step

Frank 06-07-08 01:39 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
There is nothing more that I can add to that.
Cheers all

Wideboy 06-07-08 01:45 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
+1 thanks to everyone for making it a brill rideout and few days .........

and sorry for getting so pi$$ed 8-[

Grinch 06-07-08 03:00 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Who are you, did you come then? ;-)

wow 06-07-08 03:12 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Glad you enjoyed it Matt. Liked your write-up. When are we going to meet you and Maria then? :)

Alpinestarhero 06-07-08 03:23 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Grinch (Post 1559371)
Who are you, did you come then? ;-)

I could bear-ify that post :smt003

Oh yea, i didnt come did i? It was maria, she stole my bike, masqueraded as me and rode the SV like it was the last lap of a GP and she wanted the win :D

Warthog 06-07-08 03:51 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Ace write up! Considering you were two-up with 33bhp and a top box you did really well on the ride-out!

ChrisCaveman 06-07-08 03:55 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Nice one mate!

I was the bike in front of you ('08 Black nekkid) for a little bit, and I was WELL impressed with the way you kept up through some of the fast, twisty bits =D I tend to cr4p myself when I have a pillion =P

Quiff Wichard 06-07-08 05:20 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
nice words..

I was amazed at the 125 huy we picked up in swanage who rode back with us.! ,

one thing alpine- .. when your restrictors come out- take it easy --!!.

Pm pete n lissa- pete willgive you some good guidance- as you know hes a superb rider.


joshmac 06-07-08 05:27 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
and sorry for getting so pi$$ed 8-[[/quote]
You were pi$$ed? No way, I never knew :rolleyes::lol:
Do you remember the pub on Saturday night?
Mind you, you weren't as bad as Hovis. I'm sure anyone still in the pub at that time will agree with me!! :lol:
Miss YC any chance of sending me that video of Hovis?


joshmac 06-07-08 05:29 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Quiff Wichard (Post 1559538)
I was amazed at the 125 huy we picked up in swanage who rode back with us.! ,


Yeah I know!! He was really going for it, although he/she made some pretty dodgy passes in the town!!

hovis 06-07-08 06:01 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by joshmac (Post 1559550)
Mind you, you weren't as bad as Hovis.
Miss YC any chance of sending me that video of Hovis?


yeah..... sorry about that

errrrr what video?

joshmac 06-07-08 06:07 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by hovis (Post 1559587)
yeah..... sorry about that

errrrr what video?

Video? There's no video of you in the pub on the stool as we made beer mat pyramids on your head!!
Must be a error :rolleyes:

But I do have that video of when Drew rugby tackled you when you were trying to help save someone's tent :lol:

Oh and by the way, it was good to meet you in person :thumright:

Wideboy 06-07-08 06:26 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
i blame hovis, he kept giving me cans

joshmac 06-07-08 06:29 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Wideboy (Post 1559611)
i blame hovis, he kept giving me cans

Not sure about that....unless of course they were empty :p

Alpinestarhero 06-07-08 07:27 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by ChrisCaveman (Post 1559439)
Nice one mate!

I was the bike in front of you ('08 Black nekkid) for a little bit, and I was WELL impressed with the way you kept up through some of the fast, twisty bits =D I tend to cr4p myself when I have a pillion =P

Well, what choice did I have :rolleyes: Seriously though, I found the pace very comfortable - I only went in a bit hot on one corner, but pulled up the only peice of advice my dad has given me abut riding - push on the inside handlebar. Round we went!

I find maria settles the bike, specialy in the winds we experianced


Originally Posted by Quiff Wichard (Post 1559538)
nice words..

I was amazed at the 125 huy we picked up in swanage who rode back with us.! ,

one thing alpine- .. when your restrictors come out- take it easy --!!.

Pm pete n lissa- pete willgive you some good guidance- as you know hes a superb rider.


Yea, what was with that guy? He looked quite confident though, he followed me and maria back from the petrol station at swanage, he didn't seem un-nerved at riding with loadsa oher faster bikes. DOnt worry quiff, I will be taking it easy. My dad just told me to keep riding the way I 60 mph everywhere then :smt003 Pete and I had a good chat at swanage, he has alot of experiance and wisdom and recommended upgrading my suspension, so when I get some £££ I'll be doing that (even if my dad thinks £350 on a hagon shock is expensive for my bike...)

Gavin, sober yet?


Messie 06-07-08 07:39 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Matt - I've got a lovely pic of the two of you but I havn't put them on the laptop yet. TBH I'm too knackered to find the right lead. I'll do it tomorrow if that's OK?

21QUEST 06-07-08 07:44 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Good write up .

Missed you both though...did ask where you were but was told you retired early to your tent.


Alpinestarhero 06-07-08 07:47 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by 21QUEST (Post 1559679)
Good write up .

Missed you both though...did ask where you were but was told you retired early to your tent.


Sorry ben :( yea, last night we were both very tired, I was knackered from riding and felt ill from not drinking enough water. I fell asleep at 9pm!

Who made me sit bolt upright with fear by banging their SV engine off its rev limiter last night :king:

lily 06-07-08 07:52 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by alpinestarhero (Post 1559682)
Who made me sit bolt upright with fear by banging their SV engine off its rev limiter last night :king:

If it was also with a horn sound i believe it was girth...... who was so excited to let us hear the new horn on his bike, he ran down the field to beep it, and then rev as well to show how loud it was.

Brill write up by the way, it was a excellent weekend and good to meet you!!!! :D

Miss Alpinestarhero 06-07-08 08:00 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Just thought id add my own little bit:

It was really good to meet many of you at the AR08 (mrs_247, messie, spiderman etc...) and have a chat; sorry for not talking much in general to alot of you but I think my shyness got the better of me..! I'll be better next time :D

The ride itself was brilliant, really enjoyed being pillion and taking in the amazing views. It was also amazing being part of such a large group and hearing/seeing everyone snaking up the hills and down again :smt003 We must have shocked a few people riding through the sleepy villages :lol: I remember one woman who stepped out her house with her arms crossed as if to say "whos invading my village..?!" teehee \\:D/

Looking forward to the next ride out already :D


Jester666 06-07-08 08:15 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
Matt and Maria. The nicest couple at AR08? Probably!! :lol:

So tell me..

1. Are you glad we persuaded you to do the rideout?

2. What were those funny noises coming from your tent on Saturday morning?

3. How did you get 2 people and all you stuff in that teeny tent?

4. Finally, thanks for taking my laptop in your topbox. :thumbsup:

So pleased you enjoyed your first AR.

Miss Alpinestarhero 06-07-08 08:25 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Jester666 (Post 1559721)
Matt and Maria. The nicest couple at AR08? Probably!! :lol:

So tell me..

1. Are you glad we persuaded you to do the rideout?
YES :D big hugs to you and spidey for twisting matts arm :D:grouphug:

2. What were those funny noises coming from your tent on Saturday morning? What noises? I was asleep :o :p

3. How did you get 2 people and all you stuff in that teeny tent? ah its magic. We had some help from mary poppins ;)

4. Finally, thanks for taking my laptop in your topbox. :thumbsup: does that mean you like matts top-box :D

So pleased you enjoyed your first AR.


21QUEST 06-07-08 08:31 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by alpinestarhero (Post 1559682)
Sorry ben :( yea, last night we were both very tired, I was knackered from riding and felt ill from not drinking enough water. I fell asleep at 9pm!


No worries Matt. Brighton is only down the road :)

Just realised, I missed quite a lot of folks as a result arriving so late myself. Folks who I thought hadn't made it to the AE were actually in attendance.


fizzwheel 06-07-08 08:33 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Jester666 (Post 1559721)
3. How did you get 2 people and all you stuff in that teeny tent?

Timelord technology apparently :D


Originally Posted by Jester666 (Post 1559721)
So pleased you enjoyed your first AR.

Ditto :cool:

Wideboy 06-07-08 08:36 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by alpinestarhero (Post 1559654)

Gavin, sober yet?


why will no one believe me when i say on only had the 1

Frank 06-07-08 08:44 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Wideboy (Post 1559767)
why will no one believe me when i say on only had the 1 gallon of cider


joshmac 06-07-08 08:44 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Wideboy (Post 1559767)
why will no one believe me when i say on only had the 10

There you go mate.. fixed it for ya :lol:

[EDIT]: Damn it, Gid beat me to it!!

Frank 06-07-08 08:46 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by joshmac (Post 1559786)
There you go mate.. fixed it for ya :lol:

beat u lol

joshmac 06-07-08 08:47 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by gid (Post 1559788)
beat u lol


chris8886 06-07-08 09:14 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by joshmac (Post 1559550)
and sorry for getting so pi$$ed 8-[

You were pi$$ed? No way, I never knew :rolleyes::lol:
Do you remember the pub on Saturday night?
Mind you, you weren't as bad as Hovis. I'm sure anyone still in the pub at that time will agree with me!! :lol:
Miss YC any chance of sending me that video of Hovis?


was that after i left then? there weren't any under age people in that pub last night were there?! :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by joshmac (Post 1559551)
Yeah I know!! He was really going for it, although he/she made some pretty dodgy passes in the town!!

yeh, i had a chat with him at the lunch stop. spoted us just before we stoppped and then decided to tag along. bloomin 17 year olds!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Wideboy (Post 1559767)
why will no one believe me when i say on only had the 1

you admitted the fact you'd had several more than that to me!! :smt030:drunken:

joshmac 06-07-08 09:31 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by chris8886 (Post 1559834)
was that after i left then? there weren't any under age people in that pub last night were there?! :rolleyes:
Teehee, no not at all officer 8-[ :smt110
But yes, Hovis was dipping in and out of consciousness after you left

yeh, i had a chat with him at the lunch stop. spoted us just before we stoppped and then decided to tag along. bloomin 17 year olds!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
The Cupid Stunts!! So it was you master plan to invite him to undertake everyone on corners through the towns.. Nice one!! :rolleyes:



chris8886 06-07-08 09:38 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
no didn't invite him, he just tagged along of his own accord. couldn't really tell him he couldn't follow us on public roads, lol!!

joshmac 06-07-08 09:43 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by chris8886 (Post 1559867)
no didn't invite him, he just tagged along of his own accord. couldn't really tell him he couldn't follow us on public roads, lol!!

Sorry, misinterpretted your post.
Was he already following us by lunch?
What did you say to him?

fizzwheel 06-07-08 09:48 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
He popped out a side turning as we went past Corfe Castle, he followed us into Swanage and asked me what was going on so I said what we were doing and I didnt even realise he'd followed us on the rideout route.

joshmac 06-07-08 09:50 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by fizzwheel (Post 1559873)
He popped out a side turning as we went past Corfe Castle, he followed us into Swanage and asked me what was going on so I said what we were doing and I didnt even realise he'd followed us on the rideout route.

Ah Ok

Quiff Wichard 06-07-08 09:53 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's
re- the 125 lad-

in all fairness he was a nice polite lad.. bit "street" for an oldie like me but clearly hero worshipping the BIG bikers..

we all remember that huh ?

in general his riding and positioning were good and he will make the transition well to a bigger bike imo-

just put it down to trying to keep up and trying to impress with his over eager undertaking etc..

and those yam 125's are cool as fek and abot 3.5K so he must work hard somewhere .

hope he got home ok.

fizzwheel 06-07-08 09:54 PM

Re: AR08: how it was for the Alpinestarhero's

Originally Posted by Quiff Wichard (Post 1559880)
in all fairness he was a nice polite lad..

I was talking to him for about 5 minutes or so he seemed a decent enough chap. He lives in Bournemouth so he had an hour or so ride from the pub back home again.

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