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andy650 05-05-18 02:32 PM

Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
I personally think this copper was out of order, it looks like he planned to use it before anything had even happened? His boss has come out to defend him, and her decision to authorise its use, which makes her just as bad.

I don't think what he did was particularly dangerous, as some as saying, but it was totally unnecessary and over the top. Filtering isn't illegal and the first bike was being cautious enough.

I don't like to think bad of the Police, but sometimes they really do bring it on themselves......

Bibio 05-05-18 04:47 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
who ever was riding the R1? needs a lesson on what happens when you run people over, but i guess they are the type that done give a fek anyway.

the people on the quads.. ermm same as above, aholes of the first order.

the police have every right under the traffic laws to stop traffic at anytime they like. in this instance they stopped traffic to let CHILDREN cross the road.

all a bunch of inconsiderate asswipes if you ask me.

there seems to be a growing number of bikers that think the law dont apply to them and my guess is that they are all watching vids on youtube of brain dead mericans doing stupid shizz so think they can do it over here.... stupid is as stupid does.

if your reading this and your one of these asswipes then please go and die somewhere and let all of us other bikers not have the backlash of your fekin stupidity.

if any of them had kids how would they feel if a biker run them over... well you could be that biker running another bikers kid over...

hope they get caught and get the book thrown at them and get a big fat tadger up the behind in jail.

Talking Heads 05-05-18 04:51 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
No reason for carrying a stinger at the time.
No reason for the bike rider to fail to stop for a police constable in uniform either.
Fault on both sides.
In defence of the rider the last cyclist had passed, in defence of the police constable, nope can't think of anything.
What really interests me is who took the video, the footage suggests it was pre-planned with the camera on a tripod.

Bibio 05-05-18 04:56 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
so you think that a biker who is told to stop by the police until told to continue is ok?

never mind the speed he was doing....

i for one think its about time the police used stingers on bikers who are aholes.. dont care if they crash and get killed.

now i'm all for having fun on bikes anyone who rides with me will tell you but there is a time and a place for it and its not in built up areas.

Talking Heads 05-05-18 05:46 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?

Originally Posted by Bibio (Post 3085262)
so you think that a biker who is told to stop by the police until told to continue is ok?

never mind the speed he was doing....

What I said was its not ok for him to have failed to stop.

Can you explain to me the method by which you measured the speed of the bike and what speed was it?

Chris_SVS 05-05-18 05:53 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
Knobs on bikes and quads - Don't know if the stinger use was warranted or not

Red ones 05-05-18 06:46 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
Not surprised about a stinger on a cruise in Southend, the place fills with knobs.

The R1 rider couldn't see why the PC was in the road, there could easily have been a child on the road to the right of the picture and he wouldn't know. The kids on cycles could have been going to their mate.

As for anyone who tries facing down a copper like that deserves to have their vehicle closely examined.

proze 05-05-18 07:51 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?

Originally Posted by Bibio (Post 3085262)
so you think that a biker who is told to stop by the police until told to continue is ok?

never mind the speed he was doing....

i for one think its about time the police used stingers on bikers who are aholes.. dont care if they crash and get killed.

now i'm all for having fun on bikes anyone who rides with me will tell you but there is a time and a place for it and its not in built up areas.

Amen! It's ********s like this who give us all a bad name! :smt086

SV650rules 06-05-18 08:27 AM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
Neither police or public have a good opinion of bikers and it is incidents like this that reinforce that attitude. To me Quad bikes on the road and the cowboys on supermoto or MX bikes on the road (and ploughing up grass and flower beds in local parks) are not doing anyones attitude to bikers any good. Rideouts and easter egg runs can only do so much to bolster public opinion when you have so may a55holes using quad and MX bikes and loud exhausts to annoy people.

maviczap 06-05-18 03:02 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
These riders will be the same knobs I've seen on the A12 & A13 returning from their Bank Holiday jaunts, pulling wheelies, racing through queues of traffic etc etc.

If you witnessed what these guys were doing, like I did, they need locking up

Feel sorry for the copper on his tod. Stinger deployment was a bit pointless in my view

650 06-05-18 09:22 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?

Originally Posted by Talking Heads (Post 3085263)
What I said was its not ok for him to have failed to stop.

Can you explain to me the method by which you measured the speed of the bike and what speed was it?

Irrelevant, he was asked to stop (ALL the traffic was).

While I get the feeling Bibio is playing devils advocate a bit by saying he doesn't care if someone dies when a stinger is used. I certainly think it should be an absolute last measure - i.e trying to stop some thieves, high speed pursuit, etc.

The biker was a c*nt, as were the whoppers on quads, as were the whoppers who confronted the officer. I agree with Bibio that there's a huge amount of absolute a-holes on bikes these days, it's why Sadiq Khan (and other city Mayors) are moving to basically ban motorcycles from cities. Well done all the a-holes, wrecking it for all of us.

ethariel 07-05-18 07:25 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
Don't see then using a Stinger on a stolen bike they sometimes chase, might violate the rights of the thief but happy to walk about Southend carrying a stinger just waiting on any excuse to use it?

No hi-vis either whilst taking part in traffic duty? Naughty boy!

As to the asshats on the quads, lets hope that natural selection takes a hand in that.

650 07-05-18 07:57 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?

Originally Posted by ethariel (Post 3085384)
Don't see then using a Stinger on a stolen bike they sometimes chase, might violate the rights of the thief but happy to walk about Southend carrying a stinger just waiting on any excuse to use it?

No hi-vis either whilst taking part in traffic duty? Naughty boy!

As to the asshats on the quads, lets hope that natural selection takes a hand in that.

How could you possibly know this? Aware of every chase, stolen bike and thief, are you?

Stop being so daft.

Red Herring 07-05-18 09:26 PM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?
There is so much BS associated with this story that it's hard to know where to begin. The officer wasn't even remotely engaged in stopping the traffic to allow "children and bikes" to cross the road so it's rather disappointing the senior officer chose to introduce that into her explanation of events, which she clearly did to distract from a rather inept deployment of a Stinger device. Clearly there are elements of every biker meet that are potentially going to endanger the public and spoil it for the majority and I don't doubt her master plan had provision in place to try and deal with them, and that may even have included the use of HOSTYDS (the proper name for a "Stinger") but I very much doubt they intended it to be used in the way it appears to have been against a solo motorcyclist.

Everything in that video suggest a poorly planned spontaneous deployment by an unprepared and unsupported officer, but that's not to say I blame him one bit for doing what he did. If you keep expecting officers to try and do a job with one hand tied behind their back this is exactly what happens. I'm surprised his management actually backed him up because the alternative possibility that he was actually following their plan is even more frightening!

bikerbaker 09-05-18 09:03 AM

Re: Unnecessary use of Stinger on Bike?

Originally Posted by Red ones (Post 3085269)
Not surprised about a stinger on a cruise in Southend, the place fills with knobs.

Made me laugh. I live there but try not to admit to it usually. Must agree though. Didn't see the incident in question but was down there as every year.

The "event" was ruined not by the Police or Council but the weather. That and the idiot fringe of quad and moped riders that are there every year. The Council went totally OTT with barriers and had drafted in hordes of "marshals" mostly clueless. Police presence was massive too but generally good humoured, the couple I spoke too were bored and cold but admitted that they were targeting mopeds and quads.

Possibly the copper was over reacting due to boredom or a desire to be seen to be doing something, don't know. I have never had a problem with being stopped by the Police. I do find it strange that Essex Police found it necessary to release a video explanation of their actions though, not something normally done. Maybe they were embarrassed by the original video on Facebook.

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