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garynortheast 18-07-23 12:36 PM

A ride in the rain
I had to go for one of my twice yearly visits to the rheumatology department at Gobowen, near Oswestry this morning. I opted to go on the bike rather than the car as it's three quid to park the car there, but there's a free motorbike parking area around the back of the hospital. There's also a covered walkway adjacent to it which means I can deal with getting kitted back up without ending up with a wet head in the helmet! (Oooh matron!)

It rained all the way there and even harder on the way back, but despite that, it was a perversely enjoyable ride. I think what made it so was firstly that it wasn't cold, but also that I wasn't in any hurry so my riding could be more relaxed. Most importantly though was the fact that all my waterproof kit is actually... well...waterproof! Gloves, oversuit, and boots all did what they were meant to do and kept me dry.

Simple motorcycling pleasures. :D

admin 18-07-23 02:30 PM

Re: A ride in the rain
I had to take my wife to the hospital today too. Parking chaos at Shrewsbury RSH today, worst I've ever seen. Raining here too which added to the fun.

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Sir Trev 18-07-23 06:08 PM

Re: A ride in the rain
I actually have a free day this coming Saturday, with Lady P seeing her sister in Oswestry, oddly enough. And of course the forecast is terrible... So I may break my own rule and go for a ride in the rain, because I just never seem to have any time to ride.

admin 18-07-23 06:12 PM

Re: A ride in the rain
It might still change by Saturday. I've got my eye on Friday for a two wheel excursion.

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mister c 18-07-23 06:48 PM

Re: A ride in the rain
I used to ride every day as I didn't own a car & there were times when I enjoyed riding in some atrocious weather, I wouldn't dream of it now. My old boss used to say that he wouldn't get the bike out unless he had somewhere to go, I now understand what he was talking about.

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Craig380 18-07-23 07:46 PM

Re: A ride in the rain
Likewise, I'm an unapologetic fair-weather rider. Paid my all-weather riding dues in my teens and 20s.

redtrummy 18-07-23 09:34 PM

Re: A ride in the rain
Me to! Funnily we drove past Oswestry today (no sign of Gary) in the pouring rain, after spending the weekend getting drenched at a festival in Angelsey, thinking what am I doing here! Luckily the Tour was on TV so I could escape back to the van and escape the weather no and again. Did my bit in the 60s riding in all weathers, and subsequent cleaning of the bike (the worst bit).

garynortheast 19-07-23 10:30 PM

Re: A ride in the rain
In my early days of riding, I rode in all weathers, mostly because I had to as I didn't drive. These days I don't ride if it's icy or if there is snow on the roads. On the whole I don't set out on a ride in the rain unless I need to, and almost never if it's raining AND cold. However, my ride the other day was in good kit and warm weather, with the rain not being enough to spoil the enjoyment of being out on the bike.

GeorgeRYoung 20-07-23 01:42 AM

Re: A ride in the rain
For a while, I was into multi-day camping journeys, typically 9 days on the road. It's got to rain sometime, and I had rain gear and a bike (Concours C10) with good weather protection. So I rode in the rain, but never got to like it.

admin 20-07-23 08:28 AM

Re: A ride in the rain
I used commute into central London on a bike. Did that for 17 years rain or shine, winter and summer. Riding in the rain in the dark wasn't pleasant as droplets on the visor along with glare from on coming headlights was like looking through a kaleidoscope.

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