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falc 13-08-07 12:12 PM

Advanced Riding Courses
This thread will outline some of the advanced riding courses from around the area with write ups from those members who have taken part so that this can act as a guide to those wishing to take on advanced riding.

dirtydog 13-08-07 05:11 PM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses
Right I'll start on this one then...

I've been going to WVAM which meets at Ripley village hall on the 1st sunday of every month.
It's not all beards and beemers (I don't have a beemer ;) ) pop down and get an assessed ride with them and see what you think.

I got some good tips and pointers on what i should/shouldn't be doing and it drastically improved my rather ragged and unpredictable riding "style" so they're not far off being miracle workers!;) ;)

Stu 15-08-07 04:48 PM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses
I would just say if you're at all interested just go and try it out first yourself. The cost of IAM is ridiculously low in return for what you get (£85 first year)
check it out here

Dizeee 29-10-09 11:18 AM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses
I don't know how much this thread is looked at etc but just wanted to say that I would like to assist in this field if possible and if others are interested. I am currently a Traffic Officer with the Met and am keen to be a point of reference if anyone has any specific questions on road law / technique or advanced riding of any sort.

Also saw the post above about Ripley, might have a ganders one morning as I enjoy getting out and involved with all skill levels. I won't be as experienced as some of you lot having ridden for around 3 years now, but I have been privvy to a selection of specialist training which I would like to be able to pass on to assist others to be safer, smoother and progress where possible.

Stu 29-10-09 11:55 AM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses

Originally Posted by Dizeee (Post 2079538)
Also saw the post above about Ripley, might have a ganders one morning a

:cool: It's this Sunday morning. I'll see you there :)

joshmac 29-10-09 05:21 PM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses

Originally Posted by Stu (Post 1262260)
I would just say if you're at all interested just go and try it out first yourself. The cost of IAM is ridiculously low in return for what you get (£85 first year)
check it out here

Stu it's gone up now. You even put up a thread a while ago ;) It's £139 for the first year I think


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 2079561)
:cool: It's this Sunday morning. I'll see you there :)

Hopefully see you too. Now I've got some money for petrol :)

Stu 29-10-09 06:34 PM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses

Originally Posted by joshmac (Post 2079878)
Stu it's gone up now.

Well I did post that 2 yrs ago ;)

I can't go out for a ride - got to go & park up in London later ;) (see other thread)
But I should be along for a Bacon Buttie

joshmac 29-10-09 07:34 PM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses
Bollox! Haha my fault. I saw your post from today which made me think you'd posted the other one today as well. Must pay more attention :lol:
I read the other thread earlier. What time are you getting to ripley then for a buttie if you've gotta head off to london?

Dizeee 30-10-09 08:17 AM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses
Ha, I said one morning! Unfortunatley can't do this Sunday, but will definatley get down there at some point. What sort of time does it start, and what is it exactly?

Stu 30-10-09 09:58 AM

Re: Advanced Riding Courses
As dirtydog says above. If you can get there 9-9:30.
Sign up, hang about a bit while the pairing of observers to associates is done. Announcements and pairings should be anytime from 10. Then you go out for an assessed ride, hopefully one to one. You should ride normally but legally (as if you wouldn't :roll:) and your observer will stop you a few times and give you advice on what you're doing right or wrong to bring you up to the standard based on Roadcraft, the Police riding manual.

Before attending on the first Sunday of the month, it is good to attend a classroom session also at Ripley village hall on the last Tuesday of the month. This is totally free.
You can go for a free assessment ride on the Sunday, but if you are happy that you want to go ahead, it's best to sign up (pay your £139) and get a full observed ride. From then you just have to pay £5 as contribution to your observer for each ride.

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