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johnnyrod 01-01-19 10:45 PM

January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope
Another feature of my photography, particularly with film, is experimentation, so that is the theme of this month's photo comp. This can, as ever, be taken almost anywhere. For me it is often around exposure or depth of field, but it could be taken to mean composition, viewing angles, movement, anything really where you have tried something out, even if it is a near miss. A few examples of mine:
Enormous DoF and exposure range: - prep by John Rodriguez, on Flickr
Low light, I have tried to re-create this with film and am still trying! Bridal in Tickhill by John Rodriguez, on Flickr
Again low available light only, even if it didn't quite work: by John Rodriguez, on Flickr

mister c 03-01-19 10:32 AM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope
I'm not the festive type, hence why I didn't submit anything last month. This month is different. I had a play with using light a couple of years ago & came out with this neon cocktail.

Kenzie 04-01-19 06:47 AM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope
Not very exciting, but I was playing with dof and leading lines.

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yokohama 04-01-19 10:44 PM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope
This one is a hit and hope in that I like to experiment with street photography but find it a bit awkward pointing cameras at people, especially in other countries. So if I see something interesting, I tend to go for a distance shot where the focus isn't directly on the subject, hope focus/exposure
out OK, and then crop the result (I'm naff at that so more experimentation ).
I kind of like this little guy though.

keith_d 05-01-19 09:33 AM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope

I went through a phase of trying out HDR photography, and it really was hit and miss. Sometimes the colours would map out nicely, other times it looked like a drunken impressionist had thrown his toys out of the pram. This was about the best of them.

For the less geeky members of the .org, HDR involves taking three images (under-exposed, normal, over-exposed) then using software to munge them together and get one image with detail everywhere from the darkest shadows to the brightest highlights. It sounds simple, but re-mapping the colours frequently produced garbage. So there was plenty of 'hit the button and hope' involved.

Sir Trev 18-01-19 12:52 PM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope
"Munge". Nice one Keith. Snigger [/schoolyard]

My entry this month is a real hit and hope. Lady Poppy got me one of those assemble it yourself kit cameras for Chrimble. It was fun putting it together. Loaded some film and headed out to the park on a nice day to try it. The results were as rubbish as I thought they'd be... Light leaked in very badly in places and the focusing was way out, the latter not surprising realy as it was a TLR style camera and the "lenses" were plastic and not very clear. Got two out of the roll that were not as bad - this one is pretty much as it came out, the other one (see the chat thread) needed a bit of rescuing in Lightroom. Good fun but I doubt I'll put another film through it. 2 by Trevor Laight, on Flickr

garynortheast 24-01-19 09:57 PM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope
Taken on my phone during my early morning run in the snow yesterday. I wanted the cobweb in the foreground but it was a bit to cold to be faffing with settings so I hit and hoped!
Pontllogel run in the snow
by garynortheast

johnnyrod 28-01-19 06:23 PM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope

Gary for me

Kenzie 28-01-19 06:27 PM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope
Keith d, I like the leading lines and pattern.

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Sir Trev 28-01-19 06:35 PM

Re: January Photo Comp - Hit and Hope

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