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fraser01 05-04-05 03:52 PM

Exhaust and Number Plates - Police view
Ok there has been an awful lot of talk regarding having noisy exhausts and small no. plates...with people saying that its legal now etc etc :?

Well this forum was not the only source that i have heard these rumours and so i spoke to some colleagues in the know, they are responsible for teaching new traffic officers current legislation, so if anyone should know..then it is these guys.....

Their answers confirmed my beliefs....

No. plates: Should still conform to the standard sizes stated in Construction and Use, i.e 9x7 (depending on how many digits you have)
a good website -

Exhausts: Like wise with exhausts, they should be stamped with an E marking, those that have not for road use written on them are still not legal, if you remove your baffles that will also still be illegal.....

So nothing has changed...the legislation is the same as it was, MOT laws may have changed but this does not effect current Road Traffic Laws.... The police still can and will prosecute, give tickets etc.

So forget all the rumours...if i hear of any changes i will post them here!

Hope this helps people out... :D



Iansv 05-04-05 03:56 PM

was there confusion on that then ? :shock:

I new the MOT had changed but never presumed road was any different to what it previously was...

Fair enuff :lol:

Carsick 05-04-05 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Iansv
I new the MOT had changed but never presumed road was any different to what it previously was...:

Same, but confirmation is handy.

fizzwheel 05-04-05 03:59 PM

Cool post thanks Fraser

Patch 05-04-05 04:16 PM

Re: Exhaust and Number Plates - Police view

Originally Posted by fraser01
Exhausts: Like wise with exhausts, they should be stamped with an E marking, those that have not for road use written on them are still not legal, if you remove your baffles that will also still be illegal.....

I have never seen anyone claiming that an exhaust stamped as not for road use was now legal. The claim has been made that if an exhaust is not stamped at all it is OK for the MOT subject to the MOT testers subjective comparison of the noise level with with similar engined machines


So nothing has changed...the legislation is the same as it was, MOT laws may have changed but this does not effect current Road Traffic Laws.... The police still can and will prosecute, give tickets etc.
But this is an untenable situation. If I understand your sumisation correctly I can get my bike MOT'd then be stopped by the police and given a rectification notice and then return to the MOT and get the notice signed without making any change to the bike. What a waste of all of our time.

The MOT no longer requires an E-Number to be stamped on the exhaust

[quote]So forget all the rumours...[quote]

This is not rumour it is policy as issued to the MOT testing stations


Hope this helps people out... :D
Not me I am more confused than ever.

fraser01 05-04-05 04:45 PM


You are never happy.....there is nothing to get confused about....

The legislation relating to construction and Use has not is still the i said, this is the police view not an MOT view....if there are contradictions then that is for the goverment to take up....the purpose of the thread is to give someone an insight to how the police view the situation. I have also had rumours from many different i said originally not just this forum...if your not happy with the content of this thread then feel free to ignore it...

Happy biking :wink:

Spiderman 05-04-05 05:14 PM

Thanks for the post Fraser. i was waiting for your info after reading that other thread on here a few days back.

I'd rather be aware of how the cops feel about my bike and worry about the MOT just on the day. At least the MOT guy aint gonna make me produce and slap me with a fine ;)

I get what Patch means about these quirks in the laws cross refrencing ability but thats so true of so many laws its a bit of a joke at times anyway.

northwind 05-04-05 05:29 PM

Yep, I see exactly where Patch is coming from and for what it's worth I think he's right- since any rectification notice will be completed to MOT standard there's not much point in applying different standards to the penalties... but thanks a lot Fraser for letting us know what the situation is. Very interesting to know.

Anonymous 05-04-05 05:48 PM

I suppose we should be grateful its at least easier to squeeze a few things through the MOT :D

I'm sure the police would also wish everything was a level playing field as then it would be much clearer, but harder on us MOT wise, Ive no doubt

I get what your saying Patch, its odd that there are discrepancies between MOT and Construction and Use.

Thanks for the info Fraser :D

Move to biking issues???

jon 05-04-05 07:33 PM

Thanks for the information, always good to have someone on the inside.

Out of interest, has anyone actually been pulled for a race can? If so what was said?

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