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agy 18-06-12 09:02 PM

Do you ride with fear?
I saw this thread title on another forum and was interested what the folk over here make of it...?
How do you feel when you hear stories of bones ground into tarmac, guts all over the place etc
For me the biggest fear if the worst was ever to happen would be the inability to use my body the way I do now. I absolutely love body building, cycling, mountaineering. I can't bear to think what life would be like if I couldn't do those things. At the same time, I cannot imagine a life without my motorbike. It would be like losing the love of my life.
My own reasoning is, although accidents are plenty, the very serious ones are rare and injuries often caused by lack of appropriate clothing. Then again even a low speed fall could crash my knee and mean I can never do a squat or a lunge for the rest of my life. I guess I don't think about it on a regular basis...

Stuuk1 18-06-12 09:06 PM

There are always 'what if's'.

The worst always goes through my head when I'm out on the bike. It doesn't stop me though, if something happens then it happens, until then I'll enjoy every second!

Dicky Ticker 18-06-12 09:07 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
No Fear----------------your not trying hard enough.

DJ123 18-06-12 09:09 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
Nope, with caution. Building up my confidence up since my off last year. I ride for fun and enjoyment 8)

DJFridge 18-06-12 09:10 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
Stuuk's right, the "What if's" go through everybody's mind. I figure you need just enough fear to keep you sharp but not so much you pucker at every corner

dyzio 18-06-12 09:16 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
First ride after a crash... that was fear :shock:

Accidents happen, all you can do is to have the correct gear and don't take (too many) stupid risks.

Do you get the same about having an accident on your bicycle or falling of a mountain?

agy 18-06-12 09:26 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
When I'm riding, I never really feel that something could happen. If anything I tend to be more scared parking my bike in awkward places and then thinking how the heck will I get it out now LOL (ie one of those- how to reverse my bike up the hill moments hahaha). It's only sometimes when I see a photo of an injury that I think, shoot... But seriously I don't think about it at all normally. I had a nasty skid a week ago which knocked my confidence but in the scheme of things it wasn't that serious. It just means I now have a ridiculous and irrational fear of every bump, pot hole, white line in the road.
I have been seriously hit on my bicycle but it hasn't affected me at all. Not sure why...

NTECUK 18-06-12 09:29 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
No .
fear is a mind killer.
Caution is ok.
Assessing the risk and ridding appropriatly .
Any way fear never get a round in at the don't invite them on ride outs.

Bibio 18-06-12 09:29 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
in one word no.

if you have a fear of being put in a wheelchair of dying etc.etc then don't go out the house and surround yourself with bubble wrap. you could die or get hurt other ways than on a bike.

i know i will more than likely die on a bike but if i do i will die happy. i would rather that than have someone wipe my arz and feed me threw old age.

unlike mr dodgy heart i do indeed try hard enough and fully expect to die every time i'm out on the bike so i have come to terms with it but don't think about it.

it's a risk every single biker takes every time they mount their bike. if you cant live with that risk then give up biking and take up knitting.

Spank86 18-06-12 09:29 PM

Re: Do you ride with fear?
If I'm not scared when I'm riding I'm probably half asleep and pretty soon a car driver will do something to wake me up.

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