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davepreston 04-08-09 12:53 PM

A R news report anglo-french relations
The genral concensise after the summet between the french (read southeners) and english (read northerners) deligates, was this historic meeting in essex has brought anglo-french relations to a new high.
With visiting dignatries from wales scotland and even Northern Ireland in attendants. After the inital problems betwen all the parties involed about where the summit should be held, even to the point that accusations of vote rigging and back door dealing had come into play, many nay sayers belived the meeting was doomed before the start.
In this reporters veiw the main turning point in this was the surpirse attendants of the welsh reprisitative mr H Ovis an out spoken critic of the locale and known social handgrenade. His attendance was the first sign that this summit had a chance and that all parties may be able to put the past muticultural diiferances and arguments to bed once and for all.
As protocol dictates the french lead reprisentitive M Essie welcomed all guests upon there arrival, giving each one a very tasteful gift in a open sign off friendship and welcome.
After the intial meet and greet all the guests set up there base of operations within the designated "safe zone" , at this point the different allies and loyalties became obvious with the english the irish setting up near eachother as did the welsh and the scotish, with the french whom most of there deligates having been making final preperations to the event were already insitu near the communual fire, the symbol of comming together used for this summit, allo some joked about using it to burn effergies of certain forgin reprisentitives.
That evening small groups from each party went from area to area making introductions and renewing old aquaintances and some attending a low key dinner at the main assembly building. This intial meeting proved to be the perfect start for the following days events with only a few of the attendess who had been "stratagising" into the early hour unable to attend the main summit, the most notable of these was P Ual the 6th of York whom due to ill heath did not make the early meetings.
The day was started by a forward and colourful opening statement from B Ear from the french contingant who made it clear what the summit was for and that no trickery or ignorance would be acceptable during the proceedings. The journey of discovery and collaberation went exseedingly well with different deligates steering the flow and pace of the meeting almost without incident, with the main two issues being some tecnical issues with Mr Matt of leeds equipment and a amusing "police" misunderstanding betwen Mr Q Uiff and a local resident.
After what was describe as a long but fruitful journey, the main meeting was hailed a rousing sucsess. This lead on to the torch lighting cerimony which to may peoples surprise went without incident.
The rest of the eveing was a jovel affair with all parties getting together and "concolidating" new friendships with some even arriving in "traditional" dress.
Some damage was reported due to some "sporting events" that took place in the late evening but after a understated investagation all involved were happy with the outcome.
Before leaving on the final day i asked some of the deligates of there thoughts on how the summit went for them, mr H ovis was quated as saying "that was f***ing tidy" and Miss Grunti Giggles stated "most fun ive had with my clothes on" and so we finish this report with a quote from Mr S pidyman
"I'm so glad so many made it and there were some people i was really looking forward to meet, man i wish this could happen every weekend it was mental"
This is D Preston reporting on the weekends events at the AR09 anglo-french summit at essex (with 500m of suffock) for goodnight

davepreston 04-08-09 12:54 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
ok i cant spell and my english is poo but ya get the idea
if a mod could englify this it would be appreciated

Iansv II 04-08-09 12:57 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
You could try paragraphs... It gave me a headache :p

Alpinestarhero 04-08-09 01:00 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations

as a reprezontateeve of zee french, it ez ma plesure to sey we we most 'appy with zee event 'eld at zee weekond

but zen what would you petty ongleesh compartiots organized eet


Wideboy 04-08-09 01:19 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
wazz zer anny reperts fram zee poloce?

Spiderman 04-08-09 01:53 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
Ace write up shorty.

Only thing you missed out was the Ariel Recognisance manned drone doing a sneaky fly past to get intelligence pics of the gathered dignitaries...or did you leave that bit out cos it was classified and i should now sleep with one eye open for the years to come?


Originally Posted by Wideboy (Post 1992904)
wazz zer anny reperts fram zee poloce?

Good quesion.
i did hear one lady at the lunchstop say to her friend as they walked past "oooh, look at all the bikes. I bet this will be in the local paper soon" So Mr Vox of the Super variety, keep your eyes peeled will ya, be good to know we got a mention in the local rag for being such a good looking ad well behaved Biker Gang :lol:

davepreston 04-08-09 02:28 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
well someone thought quiff was plod does that count lol

Kuze 04-08-09 03:17 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
The general consensuses after the summit between the french (read southerners) and English (read northerners) delegates, was this historic meeting in essex has brought anglo-french relations to a new high.
With visiting dignitaries from wales scotland and even Northern Ireland in attendants. After the initial problems between all the parties involved about where the summit should be held, even to the point that accusations of vote rigging and back door dealing had come into play, many nay sayers believed the meeting was doomed before the start.
In this reporters veiw the main turning point in this was the surprise attendants of the welsh representative mr Hovis an out spoken critic of the locale and known social hand grenade. His attendance was the first sign that this summit had a chance and that all parties may be able to put the past multicultural differences and arguments to bed once and for all.
As protocol dictates the french lead representative M Essie welcomed all guests upon there arrival, giving each one a very tasteful gift in a open sign off friendship and welcome.
After the initial meet and greet all the guests set up there base of operations within the designated "safe zone" , at this point the different allies and loyalties became obvious with the english the irish setting up near eachother as did the welsh and the Scottish, with the french whom most of there delegates having been making final preparations to the event were already insitu (don’t know) near the communal fire, the symbol of coming together used for this summit, allo some joked about using it to burn effigies of certain foreign representatives.
That evening small groups from each party went from area to area making introductions and renewing old acquaintances and some attending a low key dinner at the main assembly building. This initial meeting proved to be the perfect start for the following days events with only a few of the attendees who had been "strategising" into the early hour unable to attend the main summit, the most notable of these was P Ual the 6th of York whom due to ill heath did not make the early meetings.
The day was started by a forward and colourful opening statement from B Ear from the french contingent who made it clear what the summit was for and that no trickery or ignorance would be acceptable during the proceedings. The journey of discovery and collaboration went exceedingly well with different delegates steering the flow and pace of the meeting almost without incident, with the main two issues being some tecnical issues with Mr Matt of leeds equipment and a amusing "police" misunderstanding between Mr Quiff and a local resident.
After what was describe as a long but fruitful journey, the main meeting was hailed a rousing sucsess. This lead on to the torch lighting cerimony which to may peoples surprise went without incident.
The rest of the evening was a jovial affair with all parties getting together and "consolidating" new friendships with some even arriving in "traditional" dress.
Some damage was reported due to some "sporting events" that took place in the late evening but after a understated investigation all involved were happy with the outcome.
Before leaving on the final day i asked some of the delegates of there thoughts on how the summit went for them, mr Hovis was quoted as saying "that was f***ing tidy" and Miss Grunti Giggles stated "most fun ive had with my clothes on" and so we finish this report with a quote from Mr Spidyman
"I'm so glad so many made it and there were some people i was really looking forward to meet, man i wish this could happen every weekend it was mental"
This is D Preston reporting on the weekends events at the AR09 anglo-french summit at essex (with 500m of suffock) for goodnight

Spelling mistakes removed for the most part.

ManxMatt34 04-08-09 06:09 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
You missed out Isle of Man on that list of Great and Poorer Nations :P. xxx

TazDaz 04-08-09 06:30 PM

Re: A R news report anglo-french relations
Nice reporting DP! Stuck at home with the knee still?!?

I'm half northern irish, half lincolnshire(ish)...but lived in the South since I was one. French or English?!?! ;)

I'd like to think Viking...

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