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Seeker 04-01-19 10:43 AM

to all the workers, a message from the bosses
ha ha ha...

Bibio 04-01-19 03:49 PM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses
i dont know why people moan about other people making huge amounts of money..

Biker Biggles 04-01-19 03:55 PM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses
Nothing wrong with making huge amounts of money unless the person or people making it are also controlling it in the first place. Then it becomes corruption in moral if not legal terms.

Bibio 04-01-19 04:36 PM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses
if you take a job your there to work.. dont like the job then get another.. simples

ophic 04-01-19 04:51 PM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses

Originally Posted by Bibio (Post 3097392)
if you take a job your there to work.. dont like the job then get another.. simples

Yeah that's what the bosses will tell you, and it's great provided it's a fair and level playing field.

It aint.

Bibio 04-01-19 05:39 PM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses

Originally Posted by ophic (Post 3097393)
Yeah that's what the bosses will tell you, and it's great provided it's a fair and level playing field.

It aint.

i dont understand that. whats a fair and level playing field?

just because someone is making money from the work an employee is making makes it wrong?

someone had to take the risk at the beginning and its not the person who demands their wage at the end of every month.

you either work for someone or you work for yourself.. if you work for yourself then its ALWAYS a gamble if you put food on the table every night. an employee only worries about having to work to get paid by the person taking the risk. that employee agreed to take an hourly rate and do the work so why should a "boss" pay them more when they reap the rewards.

now what i do find wrong is people not paying their tax etc.etc but i can also see the other side of that in why should they give the Gov 40-50% when an employee only pays 20-25%, now thats unfair and unjust and not a level playing field.

SV650rules 04-01-19 06:44 PM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses
If you run a business you only need to work half a day, you can do what you like with the other 12 hours...

Bezos had to borrow $8 million in 1995 to launch Amazon - that was a massive responsibility, could have ruined his life if it had failed.

Talking Heads 05-01-19 12:22 AM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses

Originally Posted by Bibio (Post 3097384)
i dont know why people moan about other people making huge amounts of money..

Because every year more money in the economy gets hoovered up by the top elite there is less and less for the rest of us.

Its explained brilliantly by Robert Reich in his book "Saving Capitalism" which was made into a documentary film and is available on Netflix.

Sir Trev 05-01-19 09:32 AM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses
There is nothing wrong with being paid what you're worth and it's quite right that you get paid more for taking difficult decisions and leading the company. I've seen too many people over the years who do not realise how difficult senior jobs are - the hours and the stress are crippling. The best leaders are visible and spend a lot of time travelling to meet people in their operating divisions, keeping up with their teams and then schmooze with the press and The City/Wall Street to keep investors and shareholders happy. That is a HARD job.

However - I do think the differential, the pay gap, is getting too wide and exec pay has become a market-lead price as opposed to a competency-lead one, which is potentially very dangerous.

ophic 05-01-19 10:22 AM

Re: to all the workers, a message from the bosses

Originally Posted by Bibio (Post 3097398)
i dont understand that. whats a fair and level playing field?

The boss doesn't just earn more money than you. He also is in charge. He make the decisions. He even gets to decide on the company culture and influence what the workers think. Often he gets a platform on which to influence gov't and certainly has the money to influence whatever he wants in any way he wants, underhand or otherwise. Including how much he gets paid.

The pay gap is so large, he can work for one year and retire, if he so chose. He doesn't have to work at all after this. He won't be in the dole queue or struggling to feed his family in a sh*tehole flat somewhere.

Many of these directors haven't built their own companies with their own investments, and if they have it's not always with borrowed money, it's inheritance. They just went to the right schools and met the right people. You can't just become one through hard work, as much as they would like you to believe otherwise.

Now I know how capitalism works and why it is the way it is, and I've got no solutions. But if you think working for the man goes both ways, it rarely does. The lowest tier are the first to go and the least able to sustain themselves without work. They're a commodity, to the boss, not people. There is a known policy with staff salaries, based on a few equations. Pay enough to retain staff but ensure it's not enough to escape this hamster wheel. It makes perfect sense. Business only serves business. The worker is incidental.

And I'm in the same boat as all of you. Hope it doesn't sink.

And most MPs are exactly the same.

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