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davepreston 21-09-14 01:10 PM

have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
Have you every done something nice for a biker who's broken down at the side of the road
tell your tale below

shameless nicked from fast bikes

Two I can think of, 1 from me and one from Steve God

me- we where on a org rideout and a aprilla mille was bust at the side of the road, a few of us stopped and I gave him a jump start using my battery which I took out of my bike turned upside down and placed on his , vola one running mille
SG- has lent me a bike for over a month on 2 yes two separate occasions (even with my false org lore of me binning bikes constantly)

SoulKiss 21-09-14 01:59 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
On seeing another orger riding without gloves, and finding out he didnt have the cash for some, I gave an old pair.

Dont really want to see what an off does to unprotected hands.

Kenzie 21-09-14 02:09 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
I saw a biker stopped at the side of the road looking down at his bike. I slowed and and gave him a thumbs up to see if he was alright but he was just taking a break. I will always try and help if I can.

Jayneflakes 21-09-14 02:15 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
I stop quite often if I see a biker on the side of the road. A while back I saw a guy with a blue and white Gixxer, he was sat on a rock in layby, his lid on the road and his bike parked up. He looked like he was having a heart attack and I felt compelled to stop just to check he was OK. He was fine, but the look on his face when another human being stopped to check he was OK was something else. It was a look of relief mixed with gratitude and the tired wave he gave as I rode off made me think that he had maybe had a rough corner at a velocity he was uncomfortable with!

Recently I saw a guy riding a classic old bike start to wobble and pull over. I stopped to check he was OK and found out that an unmarked Police Car had been tailing him and his mate for a while. His mate was cautioned for speed and poor riding and I slowed down on a road I know very well. Had I not stopped, I could well have been the one getting a telling off for exuberant riding.

Not every stop though is a nice one. A dear friend of mine is a biker and a scooterist, while riding home from work he stopped to help a young lad on one of those of plastic modern scooters because he was sat on the side of the road. The young lad got horribly abusive and was lucky not to get a thick ear from my friend who is one of those bikers who looks like he eats babies for tea! Why was he sat on the side of the road? He had run out of fuel. My mates bike has a can on the side because it is a custom chop bike made to look like a Mad Max survival bike. Had the lad been more decent, he would have been given free of charge, enough fuel to get him home or to a petrol station.

punyXpress 21-09-14 02:40 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
Back in the day it was convention that a motorcyclist requiring assistance would tie a handkerchief to his bars to indicate that need.

SoulKiss 21-09-14 02:52 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
Oh I also pulled into a petrol station on a rainly day to find a young couple lookig miserably at a curvy.

Turns out he had just bought it and just up the road it had started running badly, so he was dreading that he had bought a lemon.

I got him to give me his toolkit and go into the garage for a can of wd40.

A few minutes later and a dried off front plug later the bike was running as it should.

Told him that they all do that and not to worry, fuelled up and headed for home.

phi-dan 21-09-14 04:59 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
I've stopped a few times and lent tools, but the last one was a guy pushing his bike along the dual carriageway. Classic reg/rec lack of electricity situation (could jump start it from the car, but it died once the leads were off) so ended up helping him push 3/4 mile back to his place while the wife drove the car on hazards behind us.
I've found that most are content to sit at the roadside with a fag on waiting for the rescue truck.

Ch00 21-09-14 06:07 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
I have pushed more bikes than I care to remember out of the Blackwall Tunnel for one reason or another at work.

I did stop at an accident in Scotland last time I was there as a bike had an off on a bend. A Ozzie doc stopped too.

Sir Trev 21-09-14 06:09 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker
I've stopped to check and offer help a few times. Mostly it's people stopped for a break and they offer thanks and I head off. I've been asked when taking a break too which was nice. The guy I came across locally a few years ago spannering something on his Morini 3 1/2 laughed when I said I had a Japanese bike so needed less spanners but if he was short of anything I could walk back home for it - turns out whatever it was he was tightening came lose all the time so he was prepared but thanked me for the offer of help.

Am I also right in thinking if you place your lid by your back wheel it's generally a sign of assistance needed?

Ch00 21-09-14 06:14 PM

Re: have you been a Good Samaritan for a biker

Originally Posted by Sir Trev (Post 2981027)
Am I also right in thinking if you place your lid by your back wheel it's generally a sign of assistance needed?

I don't know the signs. I tend to look out for either the bike stuck in lane 3 or the bike sitting on the rider instead of the other way round!!

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