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Old 18-12-06, 10:58 PM   #27
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by fizzwheel
Originally Posted by Pigbunk
Originally Posted by fizzwheel
Umh... weird...

So with the ignition on with the bike on the sidestand, you've got an oil light, you hear the bike pressurise the fuel rail and you've got a Neutral light, but when you pull the clutch in the lights dim, the starter doesnt turn and the headlights dim.
You got it.
OK IMHO and I'm no expert. I think that when the bike was on its side, the oil has been pumped up the crankcase breathers and into the airbox. Then when you've picked the bike up that oil has run down the airbox and maybe into the throttle bodies or what ever new fangled pointies have instead of carburettors and then down in the cylinders. Causing hydraulic lock which now means that theres to much pressure in the cylinders and the starter motor won't turn the engine over. IMHO this also explains why the bike doensnt run now when you try and bump start it.

Somebody else talked about "Hydraulic Lock" in another post in this thread. I think this is whats happened and I wouldnt try and start it again till you've at least lifted the tank and taken the airfilter out and seen whats lurking about in your airbox. If you can take the plugs out and then turn the bike over and see if it pumps oil out of the plug holes.

Like I said I'm no expert, but I've had similar problems with my SV with oil / petrol in the airbox causes similar issues where I can't start the bike.

Cheers fizz, I'll give that a go tomorrow. If that is what's causing the problem, how do I remedy it?
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