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Old 28-12-06, 10:56 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

I don't agree with this at all. Have a little black box that tracks all your movements? No thankyou very much. You can be sure it will be used to monitor your speed etc.

Also, its all very nice to say it will cut congestion etc but what do people use instead? The trains certainly couldn't cope with it so how are people supposed to get to work?

I do a 62 mile round trip on the M25 every day. If they charge a £1 a mile (which is being discussed) then I would have to pay £62 a day to get to work, I certainly can't afford that. Its too far to cycle or walk, there are no buses and to use the train we are talking 4 hours commuting a day instead of under 2 and I would have to use 3 trains each way.

So if this was brought in I would have to work somewhere else, the options are London, London or London so again we are talking road charge or trains. I can't afford the £20 a day road charge or even the £150 monthly train ticket so how am I supposed to work?

Its all very well reducing congestion and emissions but for me it means I'm out of work.
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