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Old 01-02-07, 11:07 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Mark_h
How's your IAM going? Got my green badge a while back and am now looking at becoming an observer as it's a good excuse to keep doing it the way I was trained to do it.

Getting assessed in March sometime so need to go and be progressive somewhere for a bit.
Hey nice one on the pass! Mine is going well - my last ride the only critique was I rode to slow so must be doing something right if its slowed me down

Will aim to get my test in during the summer I think. The longer the better as this IAM training is a great excuse with the Mrs for a decent day out. Not sure if she would approve of me being an observer though as no benefit to her But otherwise I'll be up for some progressive riding anytime.

What happens next - assessment and does that mean you are then an observer or is there further training involved??
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