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Old 24-04-07, 11:48 AM   #123
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Exhaust and Number Plates - Police view

So why is it that Harleys are legal yet probably the loudest standard production bike on earth? All a little unfair is not not? And why is it that a Chav mobile can have a bored out family sized baked bean can as an exhaust and that is 'legal'. Well maybe the last example is not legal but they are everywhere where I live and the plods' don't ever pull them for being 'too loud'. I got pulled once and was told that it was too loud, I asked him to quantify his statement and nearly got cautioned. Apparently he needed a Thesaurus. His mate was laughing behind his back though which made it all worth while. Most coppers in my area are fine though, funnily enough it's the bike coppers that tend to be a bit........jobsworth like. Bless 'em.
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