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Old 01-07-07, 08:16 PM   #45
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The Safely Home Thread

Me, Sid Squid and Treacle peeled off from the other Soho-ers on the M6, Dans repair was holding up fine. Managed to stop at a petrol station 15 mins from home for a loo break, walked in, realised I'd left my helmet on my bike and turned straight round to find that somewhere in that 8 foot space and 5 second time frame had lost my bike keys.

looked for them for 15 minutes, then had to call Emergency Girlfriend Rescue to bring me a spare...

So, it ****ed down all weekend, my alarm went crazy, i got a screw in my back tyre, I lost my keys on the way home, and I was interrupted in my attempt to make sweet love to Grinch.

Oh, and most of the org now know what i look like when I urinate...

Best Biking weekend EVER!!!!!!!!!

Love you all!

The Bear
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