Thread: Magic moment.
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Old 04-07-07, 04:49 PM   #60
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Default Re: Magic moment.

The most magical moment for me was actually on the Monday when I found out after thinking I couldnt go that in fact I could.

The phone call from Jambo telling me that the bike had got through it's MOT on Thursday... and getting to his house on Thursday to see his idea of packing

Turning up at the ACE to many hugs and excitement of our mini adventure...

Arriving on site and seeing how many .orgers had made the extra effort in the rain and yucky weather to be there... quality

The kisses blown to me from bear when he was marking and then again as he past me on his way to the front.

Jambo's face when I told him just before I lit the fire poi that I had never done it before and the worried expression of Northy when he lent me his Jacket.

Watching Jamie still search for the freezbie in the field over the electric fence as Paul came walking towards us with it in his hands

I think everyone will remember Grinch and Bears flirtations in the field for a long time to come.

The cup of tea's from Deeas

Going round the campsite on Sunday morning to see who was coming for breakfast and being told my 21Quest that he couldnt make it and was going back to bed for a little while .. I really felt for you mate.

Riding with the old Bristol MoFo's once again... sorry SH couldnt resist the sign language ... although could have done without the singing on Saturday night

The best moment however, was on Saturday night sat next to Mark watching everyone have fun and seeing him there to enjoy it.

and of course..... the hugs!!!!!!!!

And most importantly everyone I havent mentioned in these ramblings... you made the weekend a spectacular AR and one that will be hard to beat for next year....

Last edited by anna; 04-07-07 at 08:46 PM.
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