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Old 12-07-07, 06:23 PM   #29
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Default Re: New group- N Wales/Cheshire +

Originally Posted by stewie View Post
yeah I thought of something like west coast posse or something similar, trouble is staffs doesnt have a coast and neither does shropshire, just waiting for someone to call us sheep shaggers
True but doesnt doesnt ness mean that you are on the coast west coast just means westside How about the westside posse or sv's VTees etc im from north merseyside near maghull which is only about 15mins from skem i often go for a play around skem on the roundabouts as alot of the local bikers do bike heaven not a traffic light in site. The bloke who designed skem was definetly a biker. Pity they dont shut the roads off and do a tt around skem once a year