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Old 15-07-07, 11:46 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Would You Like More Bumps With That Sir?

Hi there! I'm RhythmJunkie, an ageing born again biker of some 28 years experience on everything from Honda C90 to CBR1000F Including some real lemons like Superdream (slowww) Suzuki X7 (rust) and a good old Honda CX500 (??) among many others.
Glad this place exists cos I'm about to take possession of a 2006 fully faired SV650sport last one in the shop
Been riding a GSX750F T'reg for the past 18 months and wanted something newer and much lighter. Love the styling of the SV's and if the test reports are anything to go by I'm in for a long love affair!

Well enough small talk, has anyone experienced those new rumble strips yet? Maybe only in Derbyshire where they seem to have gone bananas putting the damn things everywhere! I first saw them in Wales several years ago but they were not as severe as the ones now being used in Derbykneedeepinsheep****shire!
These bumps according to a Derbyshire Highways Agency spokeswoman are to give drivers a "wake up call" as they approach tight bends and hidden junctions. What a stupid meaningless statement. Some of them are placed where the bend is visible and not dangerous i.e. not 'off camber' and of good repair, yet some really nasty bends on the same stretch of road are missed. Explain? Some are actually placed on the entry to the bend itself in the braking zone just as a biker is setting themselves up for the bend, how dangerous is that? ..and why three sets of strips??? Is that for people with staggeringly slow reaction times like for instance a 92 year old with dementia and uncorrectable defective eyesight?? I suffer from arthritis and tendonitis so have lots of pain in my joints and these bumps are driving me insane! Another reason for ditching the GSX. My elbows are battered to bits after riding along the A619 from Baslow to Chesterfield one of the worst affected roads I know of!
I have a theory that these bumps are designed to put bikers off using certain roads, probably because all the retired high earners who live in Baslow are fed up with all the noisy bikers riding through their
village every Sunday spoiling their peace. Funny how the worst strips have been placed on the 3 major routes out of Baslow yet move away from Baslow and you have to search for more. Some of the worst strips are on the A515 Buxton to Ashbourne road. So vicious are some of these strips that my wife riding pillion bit her tongue as I hit them at 50mph. The dangerous junction at the bottom of the hill is plainly visible night and day for around half a mile down an arrow straight road and is literally wallpapered with highly reflective warning signs! So why these stupid strips? Just another complete waste of tax payers money!

Sorry for going on and on but these things are a menace to bikers and some of them are downright dangerous! They are even annoying in a car!
So....any of you had experience of these damned strips, and please don't tell me they are all over the country, I couldn't bare to hear that!

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