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Old 31-07-07, 07:58 AM   #1
the white rabbit
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Default One for the corporate IT networky types

Here's a real pain problem the uni IT bods cant seem to work out. Maybe someone will have an idea.

I'm connecting to the web through a Linksys router, no probs up to a week ago.

Since then everything in the WWW is fine EXCEPT accessing my university home page, any page ending in the same address and also logging onto my university email account.

I also have the option to connect via the university virtual private network, and if I do this all is ok and back to normal speed. But you should not have to do that. And that shoudlnt be needed juts to see the public end of the uni web (only the hidden stuff).

What is really puzzling me is why ANY site ending in is playing up just for me.

Same on any PC going through my router, IE7, Firefox, all same.

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