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Old 06-08-07, 02:49 PM   #82
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Default Re: AE08 - The Event of Next Year, Can you help ?

Originally Posted by northwind View Post
I reckon early august is a good one... We should stay away from the bank holidays though, too many people will be away/have family commitments etc. Also, the roads will tend to be at their busiest, and if the final location's anything like it us up here, the traffic cops tend to be out in force too. And purely coincidentally I'll be at the Reading festival

Not too sure about the payday argument, it does make sense when people have short notice but when you know months in advance it's not so difficult to budget...
School holidays and roads full of caravans, not sure about august, at least with early summer the holidays arent in full swing, however I will go with the flow, just looking forward to it already.
note to self : get a life stewie