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Old 06-08-07, 03:21 PM   #86
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Default Re: AE08 - The Event of Next Year, Can you help ?

Originally Posted by Viper View Post
IMHO I reckon that to save any messing around and going round the houses and all the crap that the mods have to go through that THEY (the mods) should set the date. Its the AR and should be in part controlled by the mods. They choose a date that either is the same each year or varies dependant on location availability but the location is polled.
Thats 1 less headache and 1 less argument.
Actually I would say do it the other way.

Decide on the venue, then look at available dates.

Mainly because, if it goes the way I think it is, you, Viper, may actually get to set the date
Sent from my PC NOT using any Tapatalk type rubbish!!

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