Thread: UFO footage
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Old 15-08-07, 04:33 PM   #6
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Default Re: UFO footage

Originally Posted by Bear View Post
See, I'm starting to see scepticism as a kind of religion now. Basically, we've all got so used to being "clever" and seeing through stuff that even when presented with good evidence we will always assume it is a fake, and try to find reasons why.

I'm not for one minute suggesting that this is true footage, but i do find it amazing that we will all assume it to be bollox (myself included) when the aliens DO land...

"We come in peace!"

Yeah, right, you come from Marketing Land! Where are the cameras?"

'No, no, really. We bring a message of truth, love and the essential indivisibility of all things, along with new technology which will free you from your worldly constraints and allow you to soar through the cosmos as a being of pure energy"

"Pull the other one, it's got bells on. You're not even a real alien, look your gun is obviously a copy of one my mate Dave's ex-wife's brother saw once in a toy shop in Prestatyn. And that suit is obviously made from Cling-Film and kitchen foil! Now clear off."

"Right, screw you humanity. No peace and love for you, but ultimate devastation! Mwahahahaha!"

: smt067

You are a strange man-beast!!

We all know the Americans will get paranoid and shoot anything that comes near Earth! Thus bypassing the whole "We come in peace!" speech. Straight to a short and one-sided, devastating war. Which America will lose but claim a moral victory!!
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