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Old 19-08-07, 02:58 PM   #1
kwak zzr
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Default strange things happening?

last night at 7pm i decided to have a drive to my sisters in barnstaple a total of 188 miles (well i was bored) i took her another pc that i had spare because hers is fubar i'll get back the the strange happenings in a mo i only stopped an hour at barnstaple had a coffe and headed back to the midlands at midnight, arrived home at 3am this morning to find my floodlight pointing at my garage door had been vandalised? looks like the PIR sensor had been hit with something and was broken off the floodlight and was left just hanging by the wires, it had also been twisted round so the sensor was pointing at the wall not the garage door? i then noticed that 2 house bricks i lean'd up the shed door were on the garden? strange? i open'd the garage door expecting the sv to be gone but she was still there and nothing had been touched? (the garage door was unlocked by the way, it was when i went out to lock it in the early hours of this morning that i noticed the floodlight didnt come on?)
is someone casing my joint and planning a return for my bike?
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