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Old 08-09-07, 05:01 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Default Re: teaching them a lesson

I see where you're going with this, but I have to play devils advocate here, 'coz getting in the way while I'm filtering is something that winds me up when people on "faster' bikes do it to me.

If he came up behind you and was sitting there behind you, he's faster through traffic than you. You're impression of how or what he rides is nothing to do with that. If he's faster than you through traffic, let him go.

Or you could intentionally p!$$ him off for no benefit to yourself, get him frustrated and more likely to try an even more stupid move and cause an accident.

If there was a traffic island coming up and you thought it may cause an accident, was there room for you to move over to avoid it?

There seems to be an assumption that because someone has a smaller bike than you they are deserving of your scorn. Not cool IMHO. We all learned at some point, and some of us can't afford the DAS or restricted license route.

Like I say, devils advocate. Not trying to belittle you, but you are coming over a little self righteous for someone I assume is a relatively new rider from the 33bhp kit stated in your sig...
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