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Old 19-09-07, 10:23 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Where was everyone?!?

Hey guys, where was everyone at the Tap tonight?

I'm new to this site and was really looking forward to meeting you guys and to show my face.

Got my insurance renewed especially for the meet.

I didn't arrive until 8pm-ish as my insurance didn't kick in until 7pm.
Like I said didn't get there till around 8pm and I was the only SV there, there were only two other bikes and that's all.
Sat on the wall waiting for an hour or so but to no avail, so went home at 9pm.
I'm sure if you guys would of been there someone would of said hi etc upon seeing an SV, but no.

Did you guys meet up and go for a blast..or..?

I did pass a curvy SV in Seaforth (in Liverpool) anyone form here?

Nobody loves me
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