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Old 31-12-07, 06:53 PM   #1
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Default Police "disappointed" by drink drive figures

Just watching this on the telly.

Can you be disappointed when you have no reason to expect anything else? Especially if IMO you have caused the increase....

A bit harsh you might say, but (a) When was the last time you were stopped by a police car? And (b) when was the last time you were caught speeding by a camera?

The answer for me is (a) over five years (only because I had a tail light out, before that we're talking 10 years) and (b) twice in the last five years.

I drive/ride 35-40 thousand miles a year.

If drink drivers know that they haven't been stopped by a police car in the last 200 thousand miles, what is going to stop them driving 5 miles home from the pub after a few pints?

Why do so many folk ignore mobile phone laws? Why do so many ignore lane discipline? Tail gate? Use fog lights to look chavvy? Drive without insurance?

Until the police present themselves with a greater visibility and greater activity on our roads, they can expect nothing other than increasing drink driving convictions at the one time of the year when they do show thier faces, and nothing other than deteriorating driving standards year on year.

A speed camera may be self funding, but it cannot replace a human being in a car.

I know there's a few of our force members on here who might want to spring to defence, but I'm not having a go at the average boy in blue. I'm having a go at the bosses and policy makers. I'm Joe Public and this is how I feel, print it off and give it to your gaffers!

Last edited by -Ralph-; 31-12-07 at 07:46 PM.
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