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Old 26-01-08, 07:13 AM   #7
the white rabbit
Posts: n/a
Default Re: 4th UK Advrider Rally, April 08 North Wales

LP, do what they all tell me to do and I havent, and thats get a DR or DRZ for less than £1200. Or a CRM250 for £800 or less if you fancy an old two stroke. Or as you are close anyhting, its not like you've got to go far.

A complete novice on a small triallie will really enjoy the adventure ride, as that has got to be GSable, 990able, even Varodero-able (although there's at least one lane in those pics that doesnt look like it is to me . So a traillie you can make us all look like we are making it very hard work.

You would be ok on the pogo ride because folks will help (great bunch) but you may find it hard, I've nevr done a pogo ride with them, juts the big traillie rides.

But they are put up there loads, so if you got one you would have lots of opportunity.

SH, if you can get knobblies for the SV, well its just a slightly lower Strom isnt it?

Edit for pogo read small traillie or enduro. Basically long travel suspension etc. Note though that this is dual sporting all bikes have to be road registered and road legal as there are tarmac liaisons and in fact the lanes are public highway, in some cases or at least not rpivate land. In terms of lights, well it is sometimes dark before we are home what with getting lost, mechanical breakdowns, mental breakdowns and punctures. You havent lived until you have had a puncture at 5.30pm in the forest on a sunday with no mobile reception when it is getting dark...not.

Last edited by the white rabbit; 26-01-08 at 07:16 AM.