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Old 27-02-08, 03:19 PM   #1
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Default I wouldn't mess with...

My god, sounds like something out of 24! All respect to this guy

Dean Atkins, 26, and his brother Michael, 25, killed Kam Chung, 65, in her home in Cowley, west London, after she refused to tell them where she kept her life savings.
</IMG>An hour later, they broke into the nearby home of Bernard Dwyer, a building tycoon, hoping to terrify the family into handing over their belongings.
The day before the attacks in November 2006 Dean Atkins had walked out of Standford Hill jail in Sheerness, Kent, where he had been serving a sentence for another burglary, the Old Bailey heard.
His brother was out of jail on licence. They have a string of convictions for burglary and robbery.
On Tuesday they were convicted of murder, aggravated burglary, wounding with intent and possessing an imitation firearm. The brothers, from Uxbridge, west London, will be sentenced today.
An accomplice, Thomas Carty, 21, took his own life last February while awaiting trial.
Mr Dwyer, who was unarmed and naked when the gang broke into his home, told the court how his family had suffered because of the attack.
His teenage daughter Aisling, who had a knife held to her throat, will not stay home without her father. She is frightened when the doorbell rings or when a car appears in the drive.
During the trial, Mr Dwyer, 51, described how one burglar threatened to kill him and cut his daughter's throat.
Despite him co-operating, the men were beating the "living daylights" out of him. He passed out but recovered quickly and felt "invigorated".
Seeing a knife held to Aisling's throat, he decided to fight back.
He told the trial he had decided: "If I'm going to die tonight then I'd rather die like a man than a dog."
He fought back and the gunman ran off but another burglar ordered the third attacker, who had a knife, to kill him.
Despite being stabbed in the head, he beat them off and chased them away, grabbing the discarded gun and using it to rain blows on them.
The father-of-three, a former scaffolder raised in Sligo, Ireland, said the attack left him with the scars of 34 injuries. But he was chiefly concerned about the effect on his daughter.
"Those responsible for this crime have caused her to lose innocence - and part of her mind," he said.
"I have seen her lock herself in her bathroom while insisting that somebody stand guard outside the door."
She could not go to boarding school or attend after-school activities and when Mr Dwyer goes abroad on business she and his wife stay in a hotel or with friends.
His previously profitable business is now losing money, partly because he is reluctant to be away from home.
Det Ch Insp Steven Lawrence said: "We would always recommend that the public should ring police first when faced with danger although we recognise the courage shown by Mr Dwyer in this case."
Great statement by the copper at the end. Tw*t
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