Thread: River Thames
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Old 06-06-08, 10:59 AM   #1
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Default River Thames

It's one of those things I never really take much notice of despite working less than 100 metres from and having always lived with 2 or 3 miles of, but yesterday I cycled home from Greenwich to Dartford following the Thames the whole way 18.5 miles.

It was absolutely was a spring high-tide and the river was at it's busiest with massive boats travelling both ways. It is easy to forget just how industrial this river still is.

I had to share just how good it was with someone, I loved the journey it was superb, I can't believe how lucky I was to be able to do that on my way home.

The only downside was that as I cycled home and left the SV at work, I had to cycle in this morning and my seat was a little "delicate" shall we say.........
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