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Old 09-07-08, 08:24 AM   #1
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Default Cutting out and unexpected display.


Right i'm new here and new to my SV650s K4. Picked it up on sunday and had one slight problem which hopefully someone can help me here with please.

Before i start if your wondering why i haven't consulted my handbook its because its in my flat in Bristol and i'm currently in London.

Anyhow... I was riding along yesterday (just come of the M4 started at bristol) and got to central london, In central London at the traffic lights i stuck my bike in neutral and that wasen't a problem but one time when i put it in netural then went to put it back into first gear it cut out and took me a while (about 30 seconds) to get started again. The engine temp was 100 odd degrees fluctuating between 95 - 103 and a logo which i thought looked like a water symble came up on my screen.. It was like a longish looking jug with what looked like water coming out of it. My oil is all clean and stuff so i'm not 100% sure went wrong here but your advice would be appreciated please.


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