Thread: Goodbye!
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Old 08-08-08, 01:04 PM   #1
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Default Goodbye!

No, this isn't another throw-your-toys-out-of-the-pram-I'm leaving thread, this is an I'm off on the Eastern Europe trip thread!

From Saturday onwards, Philbut, Walkaboutandy and I (plus 4 mates) are heading off on our big trip! Our itinary is:

UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, UK!
All in a measly 15 days.

So I know you are all going to miss my witty banter and useful insights (*ahem*), but fear not, we are taking with us a video camera and we hope to make a Long Way Round style film afterwards! Only with more arsing around and less financial support. Free DVD copy for everyone when I get back!

Bikes on the trip are = SV650, SV650S, kwak zzr (the bike not the bloke ), Guzzi 1100, Ducati 600ss (!), GTR1000 and a GPZ900.

See you in a few weeks!!
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